Charles Sage

You couldn't ask for a better straightman.
Well… Maybe Fred Willard…
Ha ha haw! Ahee! Hehehehaaaa!


There's nothing my strongest dose of Smilex can do that some Beverly Hills surgeon hasn't already overcharged somebody for.
Heh. Ha ha. HA!

In Soviet Russia, Joker poisons you!
Some jokes transcend cultural boundaries.
Here ha ha Ha Ha HA HA HA HAAAAA hOh ha ahoo hoo ho ha ha! Hehehehhehaaa! Aha. Ha-ha-ha ha HA!

As I've said many times before, a good comedian never repeats himself.
Ha-ha HO HA ha heh ha ha haaaa!

Never rub another man's rhubarb.

Ol' Chin man's finally stepping up to the big leagues, huh?
Well, he's no me, but his material's consistent enough so as long as we don't get Eubanks in a unitard—

Ask Scudder.
Heh heh.

Damn right you are!
here Ha Hah Ha HOOO ha ha ha! Ha-ha-huh-hAAA Ha!

Flattery will get you everywhere. Here, have some flowers. Guaranteed to brighten your day. Or at least the phosphorus in 'em is!

Hey, a clown's gotta eat. And you should see the SAG dental plan. Comes in real useful after a round of tooth realignment courtesy of Gotham's "finest".
Ha HAAAA Hahahahaha! HA! Ha Ha Hiss!

Come around to my trailer after closin' time, then. And bring some crime scene photos.

Incidentally, that'll be permanent. The price you pay for a Bratboy avatar. Ha ha HA ha haaaaeee ha ha ha haha HAha Ha!

Ol' Hammy always did make me proud. Hehehehahaha ha ha haaahhh!

Stay outta my territory, rocky. How'd you like it if I started moping around Brooklyn? Hehehahaaa HOO HOO Ha Hah ha ha!

… Wait, did I dose you and forget? Damn concussions! Bats will be hearing from my lawyer…

Get your own schtick, Ralphie. Hehahahaha ha HAH ha-ha-hoo Haaa ha Hee Ha.

Fero's funny.
What? A clown can't pay a compliment without a morbid pun once in a while? Heh.

I say Joker should be on more covers. Imagine it! Every Wednesday a new pallet of smiles for $4.99 a pop. The likeness royalties alone will make me richer than Bruce Wayne!

There's nothing amusing about people in pain. But, a showman must press on, like that Spanish Donkey. HA hehHAAAA Ha haheyyye!