Charles Sage

If you'll kindly allow this puckish prankster a moment to defend his reputation from the besmirching implications of a certain bearded wizard: Some people are under the impression that my little housewarming party at the Gordons' ended wit, as the Droogs say, some o' the ol in n' out. Nothing could be further from the

Yeah, well, same ta you! HehahahaHAHAAAA1

Sorry to point out the "ups and downs", but you've always been a mercurial sort. Ahoo hoo! Ha! He-heh-hee Ha HA HA ha HAA hahaha HAW HA HA HA!

I've never been too fond of the man's "wholesome family comedy". His act always puts me to sleep… And I wake up with the worst pain in my posterior!

Oh, so can any hippie! It's called TOOTHPASTE earth-mother! Barter some shell-beads for a tube and shine up that smile. Eeeeheeeha! Haaaaaa ha ha HA ha-ha haaaah ha!

Again with the "she". I'm telling you, it's like a French hunchback on strike or a Salvation Army Santa after a paralyzing stroke: Not ringing a bell! WaaHa Ha Ha HAEEa! Ha-hoo-ha-HaaAA! Ha Ha HA ha HA HA Ha HA Ha!

The joke's always on me! Wouldn't have it any other way! HehahehhehhahahahaaaaaaaaaHAAAA Ha ha ha HA AHA HA-HA HA hA!

As my old high school chem teacher used to say:

"Harley?" Old boy, I think that Ultra-Low-Frequency hatband of yours has finally finely fricasseed your frontal lobe! I've never owned a motorcycle. HihhAh Hooo Whoo hoo hoo hoo hee HEEAAAAAAAAA HA HAA HAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHA!

It's always the same. They don't get us! Skinny, brainy, a couple dozen glaring personality disorders and everybody figures guys like Eddie & me must be unlucky with the ladies. I've got women throwing themselves at me and Nygma's got those babes Query and Echo hanging all over him…

Ugh. Just what this show needs: A couple more wet blankets. The haberdasher's got his ups and downs, but for all his power trips and monster men, Hugo's barely a step removed from the inkblotting E.C.T. monkeys who try to make "sense" of the senseless! And Fries? I've seen corpses with a better sense of humor! (Quite

You really think this show will ever settle on Joker's origin? Or get even one of the options right for that matter? Don't make me laugh.

Never heard of 'im! Don't think Rekoj's Record Shops are open in Canada. HA HAAAAAA hAhahahahah.

I've had your tea, Tetch. A couple sips got me feeling loopy. Heh hehhhh

Oh, give it a rest Pervis! You're interested in any girl who could pass for 13 in a blonde wig! HAH! HaaAA Ha ha ha ha ha HA HA ha HA Haaaahoooo!

Nobody's ever accused me of doing that before! It's almost funny. haHaHAHAHAAAAAAEEEE! HeeeEEEHa Ha Ha Ha HAAA!

Oh, Gordo's always had a metal rod up his backside.
Matches the metal slug in his daughter's back!
HooohoohoohooHAWhahaAAaaha ha haeeeeee! HA AHAA HAAA HAHA HAHAHAheh…

Y'know, I usually don't like doing requests. It starts off with a simple "give us the classic line" and before you know it the audience is baying at you; "Do the fish thing again!" "Say the line about the multiple-choice past!" "Untie me and let my family go!" It's all so repetitive and boring, but since you've

… That's nooooot narrowing things down…

Yeah. You can't force crazyiness.