Charles Sage

Well, I don't like to brag…

Oh, nono. You know the rules, Haberdash. The CAPE-er's my dance partner. Ha haha ha ha!

Hey, now, let's not drag clown cars down. They're funny AND useful for storing bodies! HA HAAAA Hahaha HEEEEE Ha ha heooheeehaAAAAAAAA HA HAHA HahAH! HA! ha-ha… Ehh…
Whoo. Sorry. Really got going on th'heh'that one!

Remind me again. 'Jason Todd'?

Don't forget that gag you pulled with the Gotham cops coffee punchcards. Classic! I'll tellya, if you'd pulled that stunt with Donuts…

Tetch & Nygma! Buddy detectives! I'd watch that show if Doc "Killjoy" Arkham didn't think giving me a TV was too much of a risk. Geez, ya dismantle a screen and use the circuitry to short out Croc's cell doors six or seven times and suddenly you're "too dangerous" to have a TV. Hah! Go figure!

Barbara Sr.'s a bore. Say, whatever happened to that other girl? Sarah? I liked her! How'd Jimmy ever let her get away?

Holy god, a talking cupcake! I think this rat yegg's talkin' a little too much. Frost 'im, Gunny. Ha Ha Ha Ha HAAAAAif they think SHOOTING a cupcake is hard, they should try fitting it for a cement wrapper.

Eddie, hate to tell you, but Tom Blake's never told a riddle in his life. Heh.

Does the Canary still wear fishnets in Arrow, or did she give up when it was clear there was no Aquaman to catch between her legs? Haha ha HAAEEE!

Oh, dear. Those fake “ha”s won’t do, kid. They were even worse than Leslie's in the park! I think this whole cast needs a dedicated laughter coach to help them regain some joie de vivre (although the vivre won't last). First thing they need to do is learn Stop and smell the roses. HA HaaAAaa!
Hee hee hoo Hee hee ha hA

You got it, pal. I'll give 'im another swing! Wheeeeoooohahahaha!

Yeah, this show is like bad acid.
Which, co-inkee-dentally, I have a vat of bubbling away for old pointy-ears! AAhahahahaHAHAHA HAAAA!

Bomb? Jervie! I'm surprised at you! I wouldn't blast my way out. Someone could get HURT! Heh heh heh heee Ha ha!

A blind psychic and a carnival snake handler… I know I've heard that one before! HA HAHA HoooOO!

Todd? Don't compare this kid to Todd. Todd was funny.

Jerome? JEROME! He doesn’t deserve the name of Curly Howard, much less a future as a smilin’ psychotic Shemp. This sniveling little Joe Besser fourth-rate Tony Perkins sonuva snake handler and you think there’s a chemical soup on Earth that could get him jolly enough to be my opening act?! HA! Don’t make me laugh! Or

Youtube? C'mon Eddie. I've got standards.

Next week's episode? I'll have you know the electroshock's cut down my episodes to no more than one a month! And as for escape: The real prison's in the mind, don'cha know. So the likes of us will always be out of ours!

Y'know what they say about fun and funeral, Jervie. They both start the same way: A stiff!
Ahehhehhehee! HA HAAA Hah! HA HA HA HA HAAAAH! Hehehehehehehehehehehe' HAAAAAAAA HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!