
Anyone reading this should definitely click on the link and listen to the show for himself. Helwani actually does speak on not wanting to have a his checks affiliated with Zuffa and says that he has the emails to back this up. That’s something that probably should’ve been included in this writing.

Yeah! Which villains do you think should be in the game?

Have you guys had any credible E3 rumors you guys have chosen not to cover?

Do you think Persona 5 will finally get a western release date? And do you think itll be close to the JP release date of 9/15?

Do you think Ghost Recon will be coming out this year? Or is it a first half of 2017 title? Or is that too optimistic?

What are you guessing on Tecmo Koei’s “TOP SECRET” announcement being? There was something dug up on their site about “the most evil Warriors in history”

Of all the drinking games that people have probably made up for E3, which do you think is going to cause the most alcohol-related casualties this year?

What company is the worst to deal with during E3? Whether it's a terribly boring press conference you have to sit through or cancelled/changed meetings, which company do you all fight to NOT cover?

What do you think the odds are for a Red Dead Redemption 2 announcement? Also, given the number of “HD rereleases” we’ve seen this year, what do you think the odds are for RDR HD, as well as (my personal hope) a PC port?

any scoops about Beyond Good & Evil 2?

Who’s your personal fave to come out on top at E3... Atlus or Square Enix?

A couple of thoughts Ive had as a Lakers fan watching these finals...

Everyone on the Cavs has given up. It’s very sad. I’m not even going to bother watching the rest of the Finals unless CLE somehow wins two at home.

Let me tell you something about the Cleveland Cavaliers: Fuck the Cleveland Cavaliers.

According to FiveThirtyEight intern Kyle Wagner

People are on twitter saying this happened because Dana told him ahead of time and Ariel reported it even thought he want suposed to. Dana apologists are the absolute worst.

I am so glad I dont have to hear or listen to the spoil brat brag....

Is Kara at Jezebel having her meltdown yet?

It was the sort of thing a high school kid might do without thinking of the potential consequences, which is to say the sort of thing a high school kid should be doing.