
I demand more Patrick Fabian. 

That all makes sense, but sadly I lack lye, a sander, or a blacklight :/

As mentioned in a few other posts, I only use the chain mail when I reseason. Otherwise, my “normal use cleaning process” is “wash with water, scour with salt, all while still warm; dry completely immediately on the stove”. I’ll try working in the ovening part. I’m told the salt might be the damaging part, and to use

I, sadly, have to come out against pizza as a takeout food. Delicious, yes. Iconic, yes. But!

I am but one person; one person who will not be finishing an entire pizza in one sitting (and, no, neither will you), and pizza is never, ever, *ever* the same reheated. The cheese invariably - as in, from every single place

Interesting - I had long been reading that using metal to scrape would be the damaging component, to be used only when reseasoning, and that salt was the way to go for normal use scrubbing. Well, I’ll give it a shot. Can’t work any worse than it does now!

Every time I use it, I avoid very acidic dishes, and then promptly clean it with salt, water, and my hands, and then dry it completely. I need to use salt since stuff starts sticking to it basically instantly. 

Personally, I want to learn how to season a cast iron pan. It never seems to work, ever.

I recall a few good ones in Logan and the Deadpools.

Yep, but in the meantime, why am I expected to act as if a 6 month delay is a positive thing which no one is allowed to complain about?

Blah blah blah platitudes about competition. What Epic is doing is negative for consumers, in pretty tangible ways.

It accomplishes nothing. Even a boycott won’t do anything, even if it stuck, because Epic already stopped Valve from getting the upfront profit from release sales. That doesn’t mean people are wrong to complain though. 

Hey, happy to point out how illogical and self-centered your “argument” is!

And this is a video game site, so moot point about “stakes”. People get to complain when, if they want to play a game, they’re forced to use a product they find inferior. Pretty cut and dry, and this isn’t even getting to what could happen if Epic actually manages to come out on top in the long run.

“I don’t care about those features, therefore no one can or should”

“I don’t care about those features, therefore no one can or should”

Why is it that all the “counter-arguments” I ever hear are always “But *I* don’t find value in those features so therefore no one does or can”? It’s moronic. 

I mean, that too, but it’s less tangible as a point of contention. End of the day though, there is literally nothing positive whatsoever about Epic doing this, several clearly defined negatives, and yet we still have people acting like those opposed to this EGS moneyhatting are just rabid Steam fanboys with no leg to

Well, as long as you stick to your promises: you don’t actually understand the points of contention people have, and only want to feel smug about things. 

Got it, so nothing positive for consumers and only negatives. How wrong everyone is to complain. They should just be happy to use a less competent program. 

Downsides like the many many features that Steam has? Mods? Existing friends who don’t want to switch? Discussion groups? Cloud saves? No, they’re not critical, but it’s something, and people are 100% in the right to complain about being forced to use a program which they find to be less feature rich should they want