
What, is she funny or something?

-Stage Swap

“Not everyone likes random chances to win in a ruleset which the rest of the competitive scene would never use in a million years”

I’m excited to see what comes next from everyone. It seems that all the low hanging fruit has been cleared away, so it’s it’s like...what’s next? N64 Classic? PS2 Classic? OG Xbox Classic? Saturn Classic? I know there are “no plans”, but still fun to think about, and really, all they can go is up.

I’m excited to see what comes next from everyone. It seems that all the low hanging fruit has been cleared away, so

I remember in college and for a few years afterwards my friends and I would specifically take trips to JJ to buy their bread, which they’d sell for a quarter per loaf. It has far and away the best bread of anywhere I’ve been (of these chain sandwich stores, anyway) and I’ve not once heard that complaint from anyone. I

I dunno, near NYC, Chicago, and the Bay Area all tend to be pretty well regarded for their food scene (although yeah that one time I was in a mountain state was pretty miserable).

I’ve friends that had classes with Chet Haze. I’m told he was a pretty bad student.

This hate in the comments for Jimmy Johns is absolutely baffling. I’ve lived in 4 states in the US, and had to organize corporate functions for work a ton of times, and I have never heard of anyone - ever - putting Jimmy Johns as anywhere outside of the Top 3 sandwich places to be ordering from.

Having had many, many sandwiches from Jersey Mikes, Subway, Pret a Manger, Panera, Quiznos, and Jimmy Johns, all from many different locations in different states, Jimmy Johns is easily the most consistent and best. I take pity on your wrongness.

I am erring on the side of caution and compassion: I’m listening to the entity which I am 100% certain has autonomy - the mother - instead of the entity which I don’t really think does - the fetus. The two entities have opposing “objectives”, so to speak, and it’s a binary choice, so there you go.

Put me down into the hated category. That stuff was funny for a grand total of 2 months in 2004 and has very much not ripened with age. 

And that’s great, but it is also a definition which is your own. Just because someone had a reason - even if that reason is driven by the most up to date science - doesn’t mean that reason is the Objectively Correct one that everyone uses. 

Yep, I know that too. But it still doesn’t hurt to ask, and indeed has saved me near misses of individuals who definitely knew they had it.

Eh, to an extent. They could always be lying, or not know, or be asymptomatic, but considering that it’s not recommended to test asymptomatic individuals, then it’s still up in the air. But still, I ask anyway...a few near misses. 

Agreed on all counts. AI was competent enough, but I’ve seen better elsewhere. Here’s to hoping they work on that too - apparently AI for some of the stuff is what held back this announcement, so I guess that means they’re working on it.

Well, what are we more likely to know the autonomy of, the mother or the baby? For what threshold of autonomy is it verifiably even between the two parties in question, and why should that be the threshold? Furthermore, what if someone disagrees entirely anyway?

I mean, it’s always just about the same: if someone is anti-abortion - which is to say if they *want to stop other people from getting an abortion* - then maybe they should rethink their values and consider that they are forcing people to give up their autonomy for a moral stance neither side is any more or less

Please refer me to specific quantitative medical reference material as to when “human life” begins. I destroy life by the thousands every day; I don’t really care about it because no one does. 

No I don’t. It’s fine if you do, but - and I mean this sincerely - thank you for saying it’s fine to have my own bodily autonomy. That’s the difference.

I agree with the “test even if no symptoms”, given recommendations I’ve seen from large health organizations, but otherwise agreed. I always ask a person if they’ve had any outbreak of cold sores or herpes before anything intimate. Always.