Jaki Liebezeit's Ankle

For those who haven't seenOn Cinema, this interview overtly explains so much of the workings and nuances of this web series it spoils the fun of watching it unfold yourself. So if you are one of those people that scrolls right to the comments, don't read the article, just go watch the webshow. It's great. It's the

Neil Young ain't need no Jeff Tweedy or whatever hip younger producer to try and bring out some new vitality or freshness to his sound. More like Tweedy's band could use Neil's help to make a crunchy, badass rock album like he did as recently as 2012's Psychedelic Pill. I know that makes me sound like some cranky rock

Well, better to have an indie streak than an undie streak, I always say.

Yes, I struggle to remember a worse episode. There were a few highlights, namely the commercials and the disclaimer (which requires the ability to pause the show to even appreciate) but once you realize that the entire episode is going to be Johnny Karate, it becomes a chore to get through. So maybe that just makes me

not to be confused with Tim Heidecker's The Comedy (a drama)

This song is a void of nothingness. This song is the sound of your brain when you've gotten out of bed in the morning but haven't fully shifted into consciousness, its lyrics consisting of the exact type of meaningless phrases that, in those moments, hang in your mind for no discernible reason. This song is the

Seriously. I need some closure on this. They need to give like a public apology for giving away the championship with one play call.

Shoulda stole some guitar chops while he was at it

This is the most correct opinion of all time.

"A Clean Break" is secretly the greatest Talking Heads song.

Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives?

Honestly, if you can dismiss The Woods like that, it pretty much invalidates whatever excitement you claim to have for a new S-K album/tour. Performance-wise, it's absolutely their best release. It's heartening though, to see all the top comments calling out that blunder. A.V. Club-land isn't that music-ignorant.

I'd be willing to make the most of being in this situation if they paid me $225. Per day. Yeah, I am that hard up for cash.


There was no Jagger, Dylan, or Who, but Robert Plant did put out an album this year, so you'd think he'd be next in the RS hierarchy of praise. Shockingly, though, he didn't even make the list. I can't imagine what he could have done to piss Rolling Stone off so bad they wouldn't give him a mention, let alone an

Ain't no way you're gonna get me to listen to that "Stay with Me" song in any form. Anyone who has so much as flipped on an FM radio in the last few months will understand.

Cameron Esposito is an L.A.-based stand-up comic, writer, and actor.

I don't see why we're talking about Taylor Swift as if the merit of her work hinges on whether the general thrust of her song lyrics is agreeable. Who cares? You say her songs are really honest? Okay, maybe. I'll admit they come across as having more of a personal touch than the songs of say, Katy Perry or Rihanna.

Well, duh, of course he does.

I'm just such a sucker for Joanna Newsom that I'm stoked to hear her doing something. It's not new music but at least doing the narration for a story based on a Pynchon novel is kind of like what she normally does.