
You would list, standing next to a mountain - veeeeery very slightly. You wouldn’t be able to detect it at all with your senses though, since the mountain is so tiny compared to the whole earth, and any time you move an extremity the muscles of your body defeats the gravitational pull of the entire planet. :P

A marble placed in orbit around a bowling ball at an altitude of five meters will have an orbital period of approximately 37.1 earth days.

In theory, any body of any mass can orbit another. The trick is getting into the orbit. Very low mass means very low “escape velocity”, which is the speed at which you will depart orbit. This means the spacecraft has to arrive at a very precise location and speed or it’ll just go flying past.

For comparison:

Yes. Altitude, latitude and geology affects gravity in measurable ways across Earth.

There are spots on earth where the gravity is stronger than in other spots. You’ll weigh heavier on a scale because there is greater mass below you. It’s not a huge difference, but definitely detectable. 

IIRC this is actually the current record for being the smallest object orbited by a probe. There’s so little gravity that the speed required to maintain orbit is only a handful of centimeters per second as opposed to the multiple kilometers per second that are required by things that want to orbit close to earth.


I own a Tesla (Model X) and would definitely consider the Taycan to sit next to it in the garage. But I am going to move cautiously before buying an EV from any VW brand. They are only doing any of this because of their disastrous diesel fiasco. So in spite of all the bluster, I question their real long-term

Tesla owners jump to a new untested platform?! Shocking!

Because it wasn’t profitable?


Yes.  They will.  When you look at how Tesla fux the off-warranty customer, indeed the Model S becomes a white elephant in the after-market.

You may not like dealers but I'd rather have a Porsche that needs repair rather than a Tesla without parts available

The Taycan looks great. I expect this car will give Tesla a run for its money because Porsche!

In the USA, Porsche already have approximately half-a-Supercharger network, with the network growing apace, and the car won’t hit the streets for another year. In Europe, Porsche’s chargers are already twice as prevalent as Supercharger.

Established facilities and supplier networks,

Hope VW doesn’t GM this up. There’s big money in them thar (electric) hills.

That car is beautiful. And an electric Porsche? No wonder.