
@Ryanrule: WTF, dude? I don't want my crops on FarmVille to die!

I take solace in knowing my nerd grandkids will bitch about having to figure out how to emulate the 32-bit Windows KeePass standalone application on their quantum computers running who know what OS.

@PN - goopplesoft: It was my birthday yesterday. I'm taking it one day at a time.

@Meh: It's for an Apple product. That's a direct-to-Giz article for sure.

@CamJN: But SUPER!

The last sentence of that video is amazing.

@Tills13: Imitates functionality of the built in Mail.app. Will confuse the user. Rejected.

The next version? I think you mean the next next version. I mean lets not get ahead of ourselves. People who purchased the between flagship phones (like the Incredible) are still waiting for Froyo as the next version. This would make honeycomb be the next next next version.

@AnnCabaim: Some days I worry that the unending naïveté of fanboys won't be enough to sustain entertaining me. Today is not one of those days. Thank you.

@EboMike: The only reason that pricing stereotype exists is because developers play in to it. You should be happy to fork over a dollar or two for an application which has taken weeks for a developer to make.

@Robert Cowie: Post the solution in the tasker tag if you do, please. Perhaps shoot an email to the dev for triggering an update via an Intent. Then it'd be as simple as disabling the checks and firing the Intent once a night.

A lot of people criticize this application due to loss of revenue for developers. To this I have two justifications:

These comments are hilarious. Poor Sega.

@Chris Garbarino: Grades are just a measure of work ethic at school work. This kid should drop out if he hasn't already. He has what it takes to be successful in the real world already. And that's something no schools truly teach.

@madnys: When people who download things ask me how to combine .rar files or CD1 and CD2 files into a single movie I tell them the same thing every time: If you're on a site that allows these things, you're in the wrong place.

@dylle: By "official" you mean "scene" and by "scene" you mean "crap".

@retrac: That is a countdown. It will perform the action after a few seconds by default. It's there for those "oh shit" moments when you say "text girlfriend i want to be inside you" and it interprets "text godfather i want to be inside you"