
@lewisboy: Yes, in the preferences there is a "Run this program when a download is completed" option.

@Robotronic: You're close. Except you've been bringing KFC into your lunch room for three years and now the company decides to cook and serve its own food. Do you get kicked out for continuing to bring KFC to eat?

@AWood1982: Despite being a scorned lover, I'm pretty sure Giz has been jizzing its collective pants over the new iPhone and has given ample reasoning for its readers to purchase one. The fact that they remark on the growth of Android as a competetive platform is welcome. If it were omitted you would see more of "OMFG

@painfull2006: Keep your comments short and to the point. Can't stand you ramblers...

@Poop Cooper: And we don't know the data rates required for the video calling. Who knows if AT&Ts network will be able to provide the throughput both up and down at a consistent enough rate for it to be successful.

@out0mind: Remember, Cisco had "iPhone" before Apple as well.

@iWillJ: As per the App Store policies and restriction of Flash, iOS 4 will automatically blur out any possible sensitive images. iMovie will also disable the save feature if it detects you creating a pornographic feature.

@Tills13: Sorry I forgot a /s or whatever is appropriate here. I'll take the opposite fanboy route: "I'll just virtualize windows on my real phone and use the newly released USB host driver to connect my new iDevice!!"

@Tills13: Except you need something to sync to before you can use it and to update the OS. There's a $1500 purchase justification right there!!

$4.99? I wonder who gets the 70% developers cut?

@evilegg2000: You can check on their website. It will even show you a graph of your usage over the last few months. I haven't been above 2GB since summer 2009 but have been dangerously close. Definitely glad to hear you can be grandfathered in.

@DaveyNC: I actually like that pricing a lot. Wish it was what they were moving to. I'm still saving $35/mo with this new system but that doesn't mean I'm not strongly against it.

Hulu isn't broken because of the Flash player version, it blocks non-desktop agent strings. Type "about:debug" in the browser bar, go to settings, and then at the bottom change the UAString to "Desktop" and it will work.

VOTE: Dreamhost

@SQLGuru: I totally agree. I love seeing my ideas laid out in front of me so I don't have to keep it all on the tip of my thinking.

Following the "Improving It" instructions on [github.com] will allow you to run it from your local machine for now.

@nirvan5a: There are much more than just music videos on YouTube which one might want to archive the audio for.