Fiendish Elf Strider

No, she's basically the same.

You like the Beastie Boys?

This has more to do with a grudge a certain corner of the twitterverse has against the game of thrones show runners than it has to do with the premise of this new show. They couldn't get GOT cancelled with their outrage so now they want to get the next show cancelled before it airs. Good luck with that.

It's a good thing we have twitter and the AV Club around to tell us how to feel about something that doesn't exist yet.

Halfway through Brothers Karamazov. I'm hoping I turned a corner.

Only a handful of episodes left, until next years handful.

Well, Danny McBride's character in Vice Principals is similar to Kenny Powers, but he doesn't have the 100 mph fastball and penis as long as a Burmese python.

Too bad, episode 5 had some pure, uncut Goggins and was one of the funniest half hours of TV last year

Or you could look at it as two despicable men going to extreme lengths to undermine a good but flawed person. It's a dark comedy.

This is one of those articles I categorize as "chah right"

It's the premier writers workshop in the US. It's where a lot of the literary up and comers go to file their teeth. Because all the writing is group workshopped there are those that think it created a samieness to modern fiction

Leave Raymond Carver out of this. Blame the Iowa Writers workshop like everyone else. Or get on the blame George Saunders bus early for all the books with surreal concepts grounded in humdrum depiction of everyday life

I really enjoyed season two of True Detective so fuck y'all.

That was Stan's role in the show.

So basically all tv shows were the best tv shows so far this year.

But what about Maroon 5?

Please keep us appraised of the latest plot developments on Big Bang Theory.

I called this.

We get it. Your team won the NCAA basketball tournament. No one cares.

You coming at the English majors? Best watch your step before we do you like some drunk did Christopher Marlowe.