Fiendish Elf Strider

No, next Friday Omar Epps is on. It'll actually be funnier.

Ice Cube was also in Fri…

That would be me, and I just finished my 2nd bowl of chili. Time to tuck in for the evening.

Hey guys, when we're done destroying Bill Maher, who's next on the list, I forgot? Was it John Oliver, Samantha Bee or that new Daily Show host? Keeping my fingers crossed we eventually get to Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid!

You have just admitted to creating a class structure based on terminology. What does a farmer do? Work in a field. But someone getting paid to work in a field can't be called a farmer unless what? They own the land? Shame on you.

Millenials will always be a target, because the term "millenial" sounds so stupid. #genX4life

Because "working in the fields" sounds antiquated. It's the kind of thing a plantation owner would say. If Sasse had said "you should try farming in Nebraska", this would never have happened. So Sasse should be the one blamed.

He said retahd!

I can't wait until everyone talks and thinks beige

If you tuned in, you are getting him fired wrong.

But you said you weren't imposing a purity test.

For Kayla's sake, I hope she never hears Thomas Rett's song T-Shirt.

If she brings him down, I hope for the constitutional loophole that ends with her as president for the remainder of his term.

And whatever this thing is, get off my face!

Alternate title for this article, "Universal Studios Caught Practicing 'The Secret'"

Don't you think firing the director of the FBI in the midst of an investigation into dealings with a foreign adversary and then bragging about it to said foreign adversary the next day is pretty crazy?

…or eyebags

I just thought he was their drinking water delivery man.

That's a solid line up. Looking forward to the reviews.

Did the writer mean Hong Sang-Soo?