Fiendish Elf Strider

If that's what the DCCU really did, I'd def buy a ticket.

Sore subject?

Chill, bro.

Blame me. I watched the Ridiculous Six on Tuesday. John Turturros scene was pretty great. The rest of the movie not so much.

This cultural meme is so stupid. I hope Kyrie Irving buys a yacht and sails it off the end of the earth.

Martha was key to the KGB plans because she could never understand wig ply count versus natural when running her fingers through the head of her lover

There, I'm another.
If anyone waxing poetice about the brilliance of Tree of Life can tell me how it's a better movie than Once Upon a Time in Anatolia, I'm all fists.

But what about the increase in spending for the NERTB (National Endowment for Reality Television Broadcasting)?

I'm going shopping at Costco to celebrate.

Now I see why this article was written. Are you a real Nazi or do you just play one online?

No quarter gives no quarter, that's why he's a shit friend to go to the arcade with.

Let's re-title this article appropriately, "some metal bands have a nazi problem", oh wait, that means 75% fewer clicks? Now I know why I don't work in Internet.

As an addendum to this: why aren't people freaking out about the sexual violence on this show!!!

This is actually a scifi show about two cynical teenagers who happen to be in first grade.

Anyone have any other recommendations for the NYRB series. I read the three Williams novels and thought they were each great in their own way. Was thinking about picking up the translation of a Scicilian writer, I think it's called To Each His Own? Any other recommendations would be appreciated.

What with all the hot sex.

Javier Bardem seemed to be enjoying it, so I was fine with it.

Exactly! The red carpet isn't something that can be ruined. It can only be endured. Not a great job this time Internet. You're being a bit like Kanye at an awards ceremony with your unfocused indignation.

I'm mad at both Affleck's for poor child care decisions, both real and imagined.

Hating on Night Swimming is too cool for school