Fiendish Elf Strider

When I have a dry spell of reading. If I was reading a lot of sci-fi, maybe switch it up with non fiction, it can be the spark to get in the habit of reading again. But that's just me.

Get back on the horse. I'd recommend starting with a well regarded book outside of your comfort zone, whatever that might be.

Little, Big killed the AV Book Club. For that, I will never forgive Little, Big.

What happened?

It was basically a screen test to see how much wall paper and fabric patterns alter the viewing experience. Subtitle of the remake should have been 'paint chip: the movie'

So wait, the final season is a retread of the original Psycho substituting Rihanna for Janet Leigh? Somewhere Gus Van Sant is kicking Vince Vaughn in the balls.

Unfortunately, this shit is timely.

Yay! A Waiver authorized by the Trump in Chief, mana from the golden tower.

I'm on the second book in his Years of Lyndon Johnson series. Caro really is a great writer. I may try to read the Power Broker after I finish the 3rd, Master of the Senate, which I think is supposed to be the best of the series.

The French did slow down the reading, but not by much (I would have preferred english in Italics to highlight it was supposed to be in french, but if I read both French and English I would probably appreciate this decision).
Can I say I read War and Peace when I cut out at the last 70 or so pages which

And we all ride Lazyboys!

Everyone knows peak tv was achieved on Nickelodeon in 1996. Shorts were saluted.

Also, cussing superhero is not really an "offbeat" choice

He might trend towards Alan on the Thicke hate scale, but I appreciate those willing to expend the energy to hate.

2016: the year the scale of Internet outrage was defined

Where's Quarry?

I don't see why people don't take talk of secession seriously. After watching our government fail for the past six years because one party came to realize that lockstep obstruction not only goes unpunished by the electorate, but gets rewarded, I have come to the conclusion that the system is broken. The republicans

The very first time we meet William, in the second episode, it's preceded with Delores being told to remember….and Bernard's a robot. The only surprise to that twist will be if he's a rubber milk robot or an old school face splitter.

Some white folk think BLM is a black radical movement that challenges the authority of the police force. BLM are the barbarians at the gate. Basically the reaction is based on fear, while some of its trolling.
