Fiendish Elf Strider

There's Cosbyish levels of innuendo on comment sections about this guy, is this something based on his behavior or is it a Scientology hit job or just internet scorn. Inquiring minds want to know.

Elaborate or vote for Trump.

Fred Armisen…canary in the coal mine of all that is hip…beware cities in which he plays…your rents will rise…watering holes go fallow…so sad to see Juan Likes Chicken and Rice…wished to see Colombia…

…and Boondock Saints is the greatest movie ever made.

Enough with the zombies.

Happy to see this book found time for some sight seeing in the Swiss alps.

I recently "finished" that translation". I'm using quotes because I stopped when the story ended. I couldn't muscle through the last 50 pages of essays.

Finished One of Us, very well written, very tragic. Halfway through The Man with Compound Eyes

Leave Leto la lone.

I'm 200 pages into One of Us and so far it's living up to all the praise.

I'm halfway through their translation of War and Peace and a little annoyed they are translating the French in the footnotes. Seems a bit snobbish. I can't read Russian, why do you think I'm fluent in French? Other than that it's been good. I enjoyed their translation of Crime and Punishment.

This is news?

I am Pilgrim is a good summer read. It's kind of dumb, somewhat racist, definitely islamaphobic, but it sure is fun.


Finding Bigfoot.

Story title fal

It's funny to think that the Bush administration was so long ago that news wire thinks this is a true story.

Get back to work, George. The Winds of Winter ain't getting any younger.

Thanks Internet for giving jag offs a new excuse for not reading books.

Youth shaming?