Fiendish Elf Strider

This movie is the Shawshank Redemption of immigrant love stories. Deal with it.

I hope this movie wins best picture. (a much bolder for your consideration, one I'd stand behind)

News wire. As usual, sticking its finger in its mouth and presenting the digit to the air stream of internet scorn.

Can't wait for Reddit to retry this case.

During production Harrison intends to break his back and crash a space shuttle.

Exclude black artists from their media empire?

Not enough pound cake in this trailer.

Newswire calling out Ricky Gervais. Pot meet Kettle. Disqus.

Just in time for Christmas!

Problem is books are kind of eternal but important ones only happen occasionally. Usually book comments on theAVclub break down to who is reading blood meridian now. Not that I think that's such an important book, but really, if you want to talk about books on the av club, read it already so we can talk about other

Anyone else seeing Labia Couch?

Get over yourselves. Embrace life.

Ghostbusters with John Belushi and Steven Spielberg

Does newswire have a snark off switch?

So baby driver is type E?

Crystal Fairy is great. Whoever warned you away from it should go eat a cactus. They might appreciate the movie more.

Headline: Man Judges Book After Reading Two Chapters, Shares Opinion with Internet

Lesson learned. When throwing shade on the state of pop music, do not invoke dream logic encounters with famous ghosts on a social media platform. John Wayne taught me that the last time I fell asleep on my couch after eating a CPK frozen pizza. He also told me 1989 was a great album because he didn't want to stir up

Sounds like someone's got some entitlement issues.

My name is Donna Martin and I'm a virgin.