
Is their a way to follow comment threads? :P


"Although this one is exclusive to Wii U, so you have to buy the new gaming console to play it" Wait, so this is the first Zelda game exclusive to Wii?! NO WAY! /sarcasm

We should do a Kickstarter to raise funds to buy off Kotaku and split it off from Kinja/Gawker network! :P


I suddenly hope they put this as GOTY with that image just to watch the comments section.

I think it deserve's best story of the year. Gameplay was meh.

I agree with this every step of the way!

Don't forget pool, and poker, and chess!

All of a sudden your a lord? Last I checked your a guy sitting at a desk with a keyboard; not a wealthy, Middle Ages, manor owner with command of an army. Have at ye!

Oh hey! Another high and mighty non-American ripping on America! Everyone stand back, and listen to his wisdom!

From the Gamecube we still need Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Battalion Wars, Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2, Time Splitters 2, any of the great Star Wars games, Viewtiful Joe, All the Metroid Prime games, Resident Evil, Paper Mario and the 1000 Year Door, Soul Caliber 2 (with Link), Beyond Good and Evil, F-Zero

Biggest disappointment of the year was and still is the numerous and useless Kinja updates that made me enjoy Kotaku less. Still, I got used to it, and I can resume normal function (Until those new crappy comments come out. *shutters*)

MC Mask Salesman.

You win.

10/10 Would shoot (and throw.)

That is in a Call of Duty?!

Does it really matter that they both like PlayStation? Isn't it good just to be nice people among all teams. Why can't every one; Xbox, PS, and Wii just get along. There's no need to be cynical on people being nice to each other.

The smoothest guy alive.

So did he just give up on classic games and go to stop-motion. I think that would be a smart move for him considering how much backlash he got from the AVGN script theft controversy.