
This makes a certain sense when put in context with the original: it’s the least plot-heavy section, but also the first time the player gets to explore outside of Midgar, so throwing mini-games and a bunch of discoverable side-stuff at you to flesh out this world you just stepped into seems like a reasonable way to

It’s supposed to be a homage to Chrono Trigger - the developers were big fans of the game. They even got the same composer to do the music for the game. That’s why the overworld and battle systems are so similar.

If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest

It wasn’t that difficult to infer after the events of Remake alone. 

Zooming in on something is editing it? I’ve seen some terrible takes around this game, but this is one of the worst.

“We make our games very seriously,” Mizobe said. “And we have absolutely no intention of infringing upon the intellectual property of other companies.”

Having enemies with guns who drop ammo for things you can’t craft until level 25 feels like a weird choice.

I’m honestly a little flabbergasted that somebody could talk about the state of turn-based RPGs in 2017 and not even mention Dragon Quest XI.

I think the bothersome thing is that the industry now feels almost exclusively geared toward people buying collector items for the sole purpose of reselling them at a profit, as opposed to hunting down and filling out actual collections. Not too terribly long ago, the hobby collectors and the resellers were the same

You're thinking of the other shameless Smash Bros clone; Multiversus. 

I also think it’s something that isn’t going to work for 100% of the people, but maybe a smaller percent of people will use it as a nudge to make a few small changes to add an extra hour or so to what they get.

Don’t worry. Once he’s in federal prison for one of his many, many, crimes they’ll throw him into the dust bin of history like they did Nixon... the now second most embarrassing president in US history.

I am way less annoyed by FFXVI becoming an action game than I am about so many people asserting that Final Fantasy games have always been about reinvention. Maybe that’s true in terms of setting & narrative (and I would argue you’d have to really stretch the idea of what narrative “reinvention” means in an anthology

Not every gamer places heavy value on exploration. There are plenty of games like visual novels where you can literally just mash one button for the entire game to get through it, sometimes pressing “up” or “down” to make a couple of choices.

I acknowledge VII’s impact on the series as well as the fact that it was the first game in the series to be experienced by most...but from a story telling perspective it has nothing on the masterpiece that is VI, with VII being a confusing mess in comparison. I’ve played the vast majority of the FF games and VII does

Better to release a half-assed game today

This is why I don’t buy modern games anymore. If they can’t be bothered to play-test their own games, I sure as hell don’t plan to.

I just spent almost 100 hours getting the platinum trophy in Forbidden West and exactly zero NPCs seemed to mind when I would glide into their village and close the glider right above their heads. They’re stable people too! Not a single one lost their footing and fell to the ground when a full grown woman fell out of

Full game sales actually dropped by 10 percent on the PS5, while add-on content grew by 210 percent.

I get it, but I’m disappointed by its necessity. I’m all for having a deep, complex story, but if I need supplemental material in order to understand what’s going on then you’ve failed as a storyteller.