Jake Stumph Racing

I like how you try to separate yourself from the problem. You bring the pitchfork people out this is what happens, take some responsibility. Don’t act like none of your readers did this i’m sure some did. Maybe you should understand a little bit about what your article do. Grow up and take some damn responsibility.

Used to be that once a car’s owner found a problem on the track, they’d send money to a mail order speed parts company, not a lawyer.

True. The old starter package was coils, diff, bucket seat. Run some 15 inch tires, carry some speed, and off you go.

That’s an art car, not a shitty paintjob.

Not pictured: worn valve guides. If you want a widebody c6, get a Grand Sport or a ZR1.

I’ve just never understood this mentality.

The thing is, most BMW interiors today are kinda chintzy for a BMW interior.

Maybe if you start crying really hard they’ll stop covering it just for you.

It’s sad how little joy you have in your life.

“The car, according to Blue Ribbon News, was donated to the Genesis Center by a local resident battling cancer:

Fellow E82 drivers, let’s have a prayer for another dead 135i.

That’s why you drive a car that leaks all of its oil out between service intervals.

Wow. Life was hard for a young aviation enthusiast before Google Image Search.

Welcome to industry buzzwords! Where everything is made up and the cars don’t matter.

He probably has a fuelshark plugged in.

200 years from now, it might look something like this:

Cars movies are like Jason Torchinsky articles - you just have to embrace the insanity and ride it out.

It sounds like an excellent pair of Grado or Koss headphones.

GASP! It’s almost as if you can be legally/functionally blind but still have limited sight for things like movement, etc.!