You should set fire to the PT Cruiser, but that has nothing to do with “Jesus is King” or you being an atheist.
You should set fire to the PT Cruiser, but that has nothing to do with “Jesus is King” or you being an atheist.
Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:
the clerks at car parts store can provide great firsthand advice
Look at Tesla. Such low energy. Sad!
Faraday Future/Pence 2020!
5th Gear: Going on almost a year, I think, and my car still has zero timeline as to when it’s Takata airbag will be replaced.
My dad commuted almost every day of my parents’ 46 years together. He’s still waiting for parole.
This reads like an email from my mother.
lol nope those engines are a tune and pulley swap away from 800+ easy. all about dem forged internals.
Look. Alex. That’s just urinalysis.
Props to this woman for breaking stereotypes; specifically, the stereotype that Canadians are all polite, reasonable people.
Having fun every weekend in your 20s is way better than doing it in your 40s.
What’s the best Age to have kids? Never.
“The Nissan Rogue Sport is like a Rogue but smaller, closer to the original Rogue, because the newer Rogue got bigger.”
Yea, fuck people doing stuff they like and having fun with cars. Must suck to be so fucking sad everyday.
I want to stop writing about dumb tweets. Please make the dumb tweets stop. Please.
Ehhh, I’m Team ‘Straya on this. Am I the only one who finds the whole “stuff a big engine in it” trick incredibly lazy? MCM built the more complete car.
You rang?
Those are Digimon!