Jake Stumph Racing

By that logic, you should be disappointed in the 1M, which used the same N54 engine as my 135i, with a different tune.

Seems like a ripoff to me. I thought it would be ~50k. Think about how much Demuro’s Ferrari of comparable age was, and that it didn’t have 100k+ miles.

Time for a new wife. If anyone had the gall to tell me that my car wasn’t “enough” for them, they’d be walking.

It’s easy enough to read between the lines once you know the basics. Guessing 0-60 in about 9 seconds, 1/4 in like 16-17, probably tenacious grip with the right tires, will have issues if kept out of the powerband. The FRS will probably still be the better sporty/track car.

For people complaining about a spec car costing $53k, which is CHEAP. Try a B-Spec Honda Fit, Mazda2 or Kio Rio(?). That’s about as cheap as you can get a factory spec racer from the factory.

There is more than meets the eye with this car. Having seen it in person, $50k seems like a good deal to me.

It’s Buzzfeed, did you really expect any better? Their written content resembles what would happen if you blindfolded someone and made them throw the keyboard up against a wall.


Man, those no-longer-Recaro seats are awful. Why bother buying a 2015 when you can buy a 2008 for about half the price and have pretty much the exact same thing?

Haven’t found it yet. Though the Bimmer is excellent in it’s own unique way. All of my cars have been great, and for that, I consider myself very lucky.

Well, that was just awful.

Autocross: Getting into an all too wayward drift at 60mph, not being able to fix it, sliding about 100 feet off the course, into the weeds (literally) and broadsiding a metal light marker (our events are held on an airstrip). $1600 to repair.

My girlfriend is Chinese and confirms, this is standard procedure for Asian folks. She’ll look 18-20 for another 20 years or so.

Agreed with everyone who says CARB is a racketeering group. They pounced on this for the $$$. Looking beyond my enthusiast bias, they restrict the ability of honest Californians to keep their cars road-worthy for a reasonable means. Junk yard CATs are illegal, generic CATs are illegal, if there’s no CARB stamp or it’s

Go on...

I’m surprised that no one in California caught this, what with our bi-annual SMOG testing. If the car emits too much, no registration renewal for you.

What the label says, and what the car actually does are two very separate things. This has proven true for every Mazda I’ve driven, they’ve always CRUSHED the EPA suggested MPG ratings.

I drove my roommate’s ‘08 Speed3 on a roadtrip. Over the course of ~500 miles, it got 38mpg, confirmed at the pump upon fill up. Too bad it threw a rod through the block about 15,000 miles later, and had a barely functioning 2nd and 3rd gearset.

Good angle. Sick drift, brah.

Track day, Bro!