
Isn't it "blonde" if it's referring to Betty, since's she would be the feminine form of the term?

I believe Detox was actually protecting Willam, since Sharon Needles is from Pittsburgh and, well, Detox and Willam have worked together professionally for years.

So sick of the "gay acceptance porn" that Ru trots out every season at this point. We get it, some of you had shitty childhoods/parents, but you're adults now. Show us your talent and what you bring to the table, not the tears from Ru's emotional manipulation.

Ouch. Way harsh, Tai.

I was mostly being facetious, but it does get old defending yourself when people excoriate you over your opinions on an herb.

Some of us have the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap.

Glad I could be of assistance…

I'm fairly certain the “No one wants to date someone who doesn’t make the merge.” quip was Jon mocking Kat from the original BvW (and before that, One World) for her blubbering exit. Didn't anyone else make that connection?

FWIW, Gordon Holmes just tweeted that Jeff confirmed it himself. Final 2 for this season.

It could also very easily be two immunity challenges, thus throwing them for a loop - just like in Micronesia.

They're going to waste a 2 hour finale on one elimination, the Fallen Comrades montage, and the FTC? No way. Final 2. Jeff hinted at it himself recently.

It's fairly obvious they're going to Final Two and not Final Three…and yet this article is studded with references to the Final Three.

You do realize that Jessa's friend's name was Season and not Susan? Because of course it was.

Laura M is coming back from Redemption - Laura B is crying into tie-dye somewhere in the South Pacific.