Jake Kirn

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Hate breeds Hate. Treating all muslims as if they are extremists or terrorists just breads more extremism.

Yep. Which just breeds more extremism. The current extremists say to all the impressionable people they can, “look, The west really does hate you for being muslim. What we have been saying is true.” And then new extremists are born, and the cycle continues.

That isn't the way it works. You don't prepare for the worst by discriminating against an entire group of people. That is exactly what creates radical extremism in the first place.

I think what he is talking about is not wanting all muslims to be treated like radical extremists.

Wow their response was so smug. Also, Pro Tip: if you want to cap the speed of your vehicles at 25mp, don’t fucking have them drive on roads with speed limits higher than 25mph. It makes them sound like even bigger assholes for consciously sending it onto a road they know it will back up traffic on.

That is fucking disgusting.

Get an otterbox. I use my iphone for working on cars all the time, including shoving it in tight spaces to take video and see if i can see a leak/bolt/other issue and it looks like new if you take the otterbox off.

My favorite argument of theirs is the whole jet fuel can’t melt steel beams thing. It's hilarious to me that none of them ever thought that maybe those steel beams didn't melt, as in turn into liquid, and just got softer and weaker to the point that they couldn't hold the structure of the building up.

Holy christ that is an amazing picture. Also, I can’t even imagine the kind of boners that chem trail people got from this.

Except this isn’t ingenuity. It isn’t a real gatling gun, it has a barrel arrangement around the real .22 barrel.

We have raptors forward deployed in Germany. While it’s not right next door, it is close enough to insure that Russian leadership knows we can have a handful of our most advanced fighters mixing it up with them in a few hours time.

We already have F-22’s in the area. The most likely reason for the F15’s being deployed is to reassure turkey and to have an “insurance policy” to discourage russian fighter bombers from “accidentally” firing on US forces. While 6 F15’s may not be a large number, it sends a message that we can have more, a lot more,

The third generation taurus SHO. It had an ugly jelly bean shapped body, a stupid little spoiler on the back, an open diff and a TERRIBLE 4 speed auto. However, if you ignore the engines willingness to spin cam sprockets around the cam shafts, it had a gem of an engine. It looked amazing, it delivered its power in a

I actually didn’t get hurt at all luckily. But that forever reinforced putting the wheel there when I work on cars.

Exactly. Rust repair FUCKING SUCKS.

CP. After having a jack stand punch its way through a rusty pinch weld midway through a brake job almost causing a car to land on my legs, If I see rust on the pinch welds I walk away(unless it is an extremely special car). Also note to everyone, when you have the wheel off of a car, put the wheel under the pinch weld

That line where the door meets the back half of the car makes it look like a crappy photo shop of the ends of two different cars.

To me it looks like what someone living in the 1950’s would imagine of the future. It isn’t agreessive excess, it is elegant excess. It’s like those beautiful old wooden criss-craft’s from the 60’s.

I agree. The Galibier is beautiful and there is a way for them to incorporate top speed into it all. I feel quite confident that the Galibier could be even more luxurious than a maybach while also capable of 220+. It won’t be the fastest hypercar, but it will be the fastest four door.

You are right, unless you have a 6s GrandSport/grand touring like mine. Then you have exactly the same head lights with a dummy reflectors and fog lights in the bumper.