It’s impossible to tell that this is a somehow supposed to be a joke.
It’s impossible to tell that this is a somehow supposed to be a joke.
Is it because English is my second language that I can't make sense of this post? I am not joking. I do not understand the purpose of this post. If someone so kindly explains the general idea to me I will appreciate it.
I’m...not 100% sure what was or was not said...
How horribly rude of me, thinking that I had a fucking right to engage in the political processes of this country. Must have missed that day of civics where they went over how we're obligated to go with the safest choice, lest we be kicked out.
Thank you for this! Berniebros are bad and sexist pricks, but people try to act like Hillary supporters don’t have any bad apples themselves. This condescending notion that young people are uninformed and will believe anything is ridiculous and insulting. Bernie supporters who believe that he can actually push through…
Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be…
This one, from the original piece at the New Yorker, is almost unbelievable:
the outsized political hope that “youth” have before they realize that every politician is a shill, nobody with real values is actually electable, and also that God Is Dead.
thinkpiece idea: “man who has been in congress for 20 years just doesn’t understand how congress works”
Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-