
He is the best. Long live GGG

Hell, one of the Mara’s has his name on the goddamn balls

5 articles on this game 4, but nothing on the Caps/Rangers absolutely nuts Game 6. Cmon, man

I’m just gonna repost what I said in Magary’s article:

I don’t know why everyone was expecting so much action last night. Mayweather is one of the two or three best defensive fighters ever. He doesn’t fight flashy. I just don’t get why people expected something else

Every Yankee fan I know is rooting for him like hell

I will say this about Beadle though. She drastically underplays how shitty a person Pac is, which always rubs me the wrong way. Seems like he gets a free pass for all of the shitty stuff he’s said/done

I mean, basketball is hard to watch, but that's just the sport

Wouldn't Watt's previous lie suggest that he is making ~$1 Billion

Burneko is gonna get killed

"until Sousa gets close enough to clock Sousa in the head. And then it turns out Sousa is wearing earplugs."

You are causing a rift in my family. My father and I are currently arguing about this. (It's clearly White and Gold)

Will it be as good as 5 years ago? No.

Why does this website like Drake so much?

Dropped it trying to prove to someone that the screen wouldn't crack

To me best and greatest are two different things. Best is more statistical, whereas greatest is successes.

This is the sort of thing Chait was talking about

I think there is a false equivalence here between mass and size. Since they are so dense, supermassive black holes are still relatively small

Why list Google and Doubleclick as separate companies? One is a subsidiary of the other.

that looks several light years older