
It's still a sport played by humans. It's not like Football is played by alchemically produced painmongers

I don't think That's Kanye's 1st, I think he just semi-regularly deletes his tweets

I mean yes, but this is a bit excessive. It's not like I'm advocating leaving him on the ground, but I don't really see why it effects the capacity for completion of a baseball game

Well this drew more ire than I was expecting...

They ended the game for this? I don't mean to sound insensitive (I hope he is OK!) but ending the entire game seems out of the ordinary...

Lauren is 10? This is an outrage

Absolutely Lauren. Saw part of his collection when it was on show in Paris. There is no beating what he's got

No shit.

"Even when played for the Yankees"

Got featured in the Funbag over on Deadspin

download link?

and the 7. and until they did the big realignment ~10 years ago, the 9

I'm pretty sure that's Mario Lopez, not Tony Romo

Good choices. You have the right alliances. New favorite Gawker writer!

Which of you has the most egregious fan alliances? Like who gets heads shaken at them when they walk in the room?

truer words

I doubt they'd try to reclaim them though. That is just horrid press

No fuck that, I love manager arguments, easily the best part of the game. This change angers me so

What is a luke brian? Is it dangerous? Will Raid work?

I'm not. They are definitely taking styling from their Fiat compadres, and not in a good way