
Yeah, I guess that ports have been treated as bombshells for a bit now (New Water!).

Really want to play Pyre myself, I loved Bastion. I also still need to play Transistor (I think it was next on my list and then...boom, dead computer).

I think the biggest one that I feel gipped on is the 3DS DLC that I bought for the Wii U. Yeah, it was a bit cheaper, but I also barely used the characters just because I wasn’t given much new to use them with. I feel like I got my $80 worth of the base Wii U game and its DLC back in the day and might just dive back

Yeah, the Switch is really handy for playing with a kid. My biggest problem that I’ve encountered is when a Splatoon match will start, and then 30 seconds in he gets upset. Also, for music are you talking about the single-player? ‘Cause yeah, they straight up reused some of the old songs, which was disappointing. But

It gets toughest, at least in my experience, when they gain the ability to move and just want to move, no matter what. Fortunately, he’s fun to interact with when he really wants to play, but sometimes I just want to set him down and get to watch, play, or eat something.

Games Done Quick is continuing this weekend, and it inspired me earlier this week to play a faster game. So, I actually started making my way through Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. I’d started the game back on the Wii U, but had ended up fumbling too much with it to get through. Looking back, I think the problem

Oh, in more observations of Tropical Freeze, it looks like they tweaked it a little bit. All the Kongs seem to have 3 hearts now (instead of the 2 that they had in the Wii U version), and the Kong Pow meter seems to be gone. I’m not upset about these changes. The game’s still going to be brutally difficult (most of my

It says something about the last decade of Nintendo that a big bombshell announcement for them is “yes, a port of a game that has been on every other system is actually coming to ours!”

Hey, we got to play Star Fox Zero! That’s something the Switch will never get!


Possibly my favorite platformer, it’s absolutely brilliant. A lot of people wrote it off because “it wasn’t Metroid”. It also wasn’t the bombshell game that Nintendo needed for the platform. In general, most of the things revealed at that E3 seemed run-of-the-mill for Nintendo, but turned out to be brilliant. Mario 3D

Well, I’ll finally be able to play Dark Souls!...okay, I’d probably been able to when my PC worked, but shut up.

It’s unfortunate that, as a Switch-only owner, there’s not much on my list. Nintendo’s being pretty quiet about everything. Honestly, Fire Emblem is probably my most anticipated, even though we know nothing except its intended 2018 release. Also, if Kirby Star Allies is as excellently designed as Planet Robobot, then

Reason I’ve stopped using the website. They’re enabling trash, and they don’t care. Every time that any news outlet (yes, including this one) writes a story about “can you BELIeVe what danald tramp Said TODAY?!”, Twitter profits. They get attention. They love it.

I agree with you on Oxenfree, I can’t quite place what wasn’t there about it. It was really good, and it hooked me hard for its entire playtime. But I’m not sure exactly what it was, though, that stopped it from being truly great. I’m definitely going to replay it, though. Make different choices and see what else is

I, too, am worried about the eShop becoming overcrowded. I feel like I’m pretty informed and so know what games to keep an eye out for or check on, but even then I miss some things. I wonder if a rating system could be implemented. I know that’s caused a lot of headache on Steam, but maybe one where you have to have

Congrats on the kid! I did bring my Switch to the delivery room, which meant a bit of Puyo Puyo Tetris while she was still in the “maybe you’ll have a contraction in a half hour or so” phase, and some Breath of the Wild when I just couldn’t sleep. The best thing about the system and a kid, though, is walks. My son

Trump announces childish and awful show to discredit and slam the media to also keep rallying his followers and get attention. Media follows to watch, discuss, and help him with that attention.

Nothing but random chase scenes (the train’s chasing them! The Bludger’s chasing them! The spiders are chasing them! Even the final fight against the Basilisk is mostly Harry running from it through the chamber!). Most of it isn’t terrible, but it does all feel sort of mundane. The real crime is that Lockhart’s best