
There wasn’t much time to get into pop culture for me, so no TV shows or video games. I did, however, watch the very good It Follows, which I’d long seen floating about on this site as an excellent horror movie. Though there were maybe a few aspects of it that kept it from being perfect, the premise, cinematography,

The weird thing with Yooka-Laylee is how much it feels like a fan-made Banjo-Kazooie, rather than...you know, an actual Banjo-Kazooie maker’s Banjo-Kazooie. Everything just feels sort of generic. Enemies feel placed there just for you to whap with your tail, but they don’t actually provide any challenge or interest.

I’m actually proud to say that my 2017 purchases really have no backlog. All of them have gotten played in some capacity. There are a few that I have to beat, but I was actually being very careful this year to only buy and play games that I knew I would have the time and money for. That being said, I didn’t exactly

Look, I can understand why people would be upset. I mean, having your conception of a classic character turned on your head hurts. And so many people played as Zelda and have so many memories. Like when Saria gave him the Ocarina of Time. Or when he got to wear Majora’s Masks to change forms. Or when he wore the

My Immortal is a classic that will suck you in. After a night of heavy drinking while watching The Room, we decided to introduce people unfamiliar with My Immortal to the work by doing a dramatic reading of the first chapter...and then we ended up on the second chapter...and we ended up going through the entire thing.

XCX’s sideplots were definitely better than XC’s. I liked Affinity Missions, each being their own self-contained story. Where I think the game struggled, though, was in its main storyline. It suffered from the open-world curse, where it’s hard to tell a compelling narrative when the player is also eager and encouraged

To clarify/inform a bit as well, ARMS can be played with a single joy-con and so you can do local multiplayer with just what comes with the Switch. But my favorite control method is the hold two Joy-Con and punch to punch control, which is even what the game is clearly designed for. But just about any controller works

I’m really hoping that Nier gets a Switch port. It’s high up on my “games I wish I could’ve played but I don’t have a console that can do so”. Actually, that would be a good list to compile for just 2017...there seemed to be so much that I missed out on.

You might be the first person I’ve heard say that XCX was better than XC...besides kind of myself. There was a lot of stuff that I liked better in 1 (more coherant plot, characters felt more unique, the Vision mechanic so good), but XCX had so much going for it. It at times did feel a bit too complicated, but at the

The Discord has a Splatoon thread, and we’re now going to be doing a “third Splaturday of the month” event, where every third Saturday of a month we do some Splatooning. This month is coincidentally going to be the Splatfest as well. This is the first time we’re doing it, so I assume we’re going to mainly try and get

I would also recommend ARMS or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe if you have two kids who can play games in the house. Mario and Rabbids also has local multiplayer, from what I understand, but the first two are the best bets in my book. I especially like ARMS, but you’ll also want another controller besides the two included Joy-Con

What are your thoughts on Xenoblade 2, especially in comparison to 1 and X? The negative or tepid reviews that I checked out all seemed to start with some variation of “I didn’t like the first Xenoblade”, and that game was possibly my favorite game on the Wii. I need to know, though, where on the priority list it goes.

I played and beat the Champions’ Ballad DLC in Breath of the Wild. I started it Wednesday night and ended up beating it less than 24 hours later on Thursday. It was exactly what I loved in Breath of the Wild; actually having to look at my map and the shrine locations was a test and a joy. The pack was also what

Whoo, so close to joining us Switchers! I’m assuming you’re going for Splatoon 2 pretty quickly?

Green dragons can be a nightmare, but they’re also so memorable to fight. When I was a kid, my dad DMed sessions for us. He faced us off against a juvenile one. The worst was that I was the Paladin, and I would Detect Evil on every room that we went into...and then we found this room with lots of treasure and a big

I’m stoked for many of us to participate in this weekend’s Splatoon 2 Splatfest. Many of us seem to be on Team Socks, but there’s some Sweater love out there too. I’m not the one organizing our now beginning Third Splaturday of the Month events, but I’m sure there’ll be team numbers and stuff popping up on the Discord.

And separate comment for some highlights of the year...feel like there was a lot of good in Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment that got overlooked. It really made full use of Specter Knight’s unique movement. I’m trying to work on my own “Best of” list, but one of the problems is how little I played.

The jokes in Yooka-Laylee have been a very mixed bag. When they’re making puns, it’s on point. Many of their fourth-wall jokes are also enjoyable. But, then they indulge in one of my least favorite tropes: lampshading to try and cover up bad tropes. Look, lampshading isn’t necessarily the worst thing. Done right, it

I had to take a picture of sitting next to the man. It was just such a nice moment and also...bizarre. Just the cartoon-ish Mario sitting next to this somewhat creepily realistic guy.

Man, this really covered a lot. But I can think of a few additions...