
Yeah, that’ll be a different day. But right now, he just turned six months. He did play some Shovel Knight co-op with my wife yesterday, by which I mean he held one joy-con and put it in his mouth while his Shovel Knight did some random running around.

With both my 3DS and PC dying, my only consoles to play were the Wii U and, after its release, the Switch. Between that and having my first kid, gaming time and selection has been much more limited. But, the games I did play were:

I’ve been changing who I play. I started as a Ribbon Girl main, eventually decided to learn Lola Pop, and now I’m trying to learn Misango. My arms tend to be the same between them: Slapamander, Megaton/Megavolt or Whammer/Kablammer, and one of the basic fists, usually Nade or Sparky.

Absolutely well said. The past few years have seen a lot of games banking on either nostalgia or an “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality. Comfortably sitting around, gaming was content to just put out bigger worlds on consoles with better graphics and speeds. As such, though, I feel like 2016 was a let-down in

Gonna keep the format of these, though it might be a bit shorter. Three choices...let’s start with...

I think there’s a valid difference between players and Nazis, and how the two should be treated. Nazis deserve having their face gouged out or whatever. New players don’t deserve to be mocked for going an easy route.

I finished the Specter of Torment Shovel Knight expansion earlier this week (at least, I think that was it...maybe it was last week? I’m a bit screwed up on time). But I know I didn’t really talk about it. Really solid and simple platforming mechanics, some great level design, and a finale that was awesome and

Battle Chef Brigade is on my wishlist. It looks charming and having a game about being a fantasy chef is cool. A game to highlight the cooler parts of the job, not...all the frustrations...

Wait, which type of stiletto? Actually, I don’t care. I’m in.

I wonder how fuhrerious that might make them...

It probably was quite the selling point, especially for higher bit consoles. Making characters look more and more like the version you’d see on the cover or in the instruction booklet. “You’ve never seen Mario like this!”

Target the youths and call it “2 Meta 4 This”. Then they can shorten it to 2M4T, so nice handle. Or, go extra meta...”2 Meta 5 This”.

I am so down. Gratuitous shots of feet stepping through the bloodied, broken bodies of their adversaries. Boudicca? More like Toe-dicca.

Well, this looks pretty good. It’s not exactly blowing me away at a glance, but it at least looks solid and fun. And I’m kind of happy that it’s not another NES-styled one like 9 and 10. I feel like 9 was a good way to bring the series back, but I don’t think the series should stay 8-bit forever. The super-powered

That was definitely my biggest problem with 7. It just felt weird and kind of clunky compared to the other games because everything was so big and close. The NES games had a good view, where you could usually see most of or the entirety of a room or obstacle course at a time, so you could actually plan and think about

I believe you mean they’re k with it.

Hopefully we get to see Himmlern a lesson...

I would say you’re my hero for saying this, but...

Gerudo was Number 3 for me as well, but Goron was 2. That was super challenging though. The Rito region was my final one, and I don’t think it was just my high level of hearts and stamina that made it feel easy; I think it’s probably the easiest of the four.

I’ll probably end up playing a bunch of ARMS, partially because it’s still fun and partially because I’m not sure what single-player game I’m going to move on to now. I anticipate fighting a whole bunch of the newest character, Springtron, online. I might also dive back into Graceful Explosion Machine, since that’s my