Well, as I should have expected...not as I expected...
Well, as I should have expected...not as I expected...
I think one of the sketchier things that they seem to be doing is having stuff that isn’t exclusive but seems like it is. For example, two of the Mario Odyssey amiibo unlock outfits...but you can also get those same outfits just by playing the game. Star Fox Zero had something similar.
Awww man, getting Star Wars Battlefront 2 No Not That One Edition is an excellent choice. Even when you finish the campaign, you can set up your own campaign. Possibly the best Star Wars game made.
I feel like amiibo are constantly meant to be more predatory than they actually end up being. The way Nintendo keeps presenting them seems to be preying on the same psychology that pre-order bonuses do: it’s a miniscule part of your game, but how bad will you feel if you don’t have everything? But I think people care…
I would put Splatoon 2 on the best score list for certain; it continues from the first in providing songs that actually sound like rock pieces from the world. Off The Hook’s pieces for the Splatfests are especially awesome.
It’s late November, it ain’t too early to start eyeballing lists.
Driving around and just pure chaos will result in more mobile time for me, but there’s fortunately Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and Fire Emblem Heroes to help on that front. The Switch will also, of course, be finding some time on the go, and I hopefully get to play ARMS with my siblings and try out Splatoon 2's…
I think what makes a world interesting to explore (and that I’m working at doing as a GM) is actually having places that you can’t explore...yet. Nothing makes a world feel smaller than having the player be able to tick off all the boxes of what they can do as soon as they get there. But, drop tantalizing hints that…
ARMS is definitely one that we’ll go for. Don’t have the other games, but I do have Puyo Puyo Tetris. I might also get the Snipperclips dlc for the week.
A new character dropped into ARMS this week, so I’ll be trying to learn his ins-and-outs. He’s a lot different than what I’m used to playing, but his power-switching gameplay is something that I’ve been a fan of in lots of games before. There’s also a Splatfest in Splatoon 2, so I’ll try to devote some time to support…
I’ll be bringing the Switch to the Thanksgiving gathering, so we’ll see what goes down there, but we definitely played a lot of Smash on 3DS whenever that was out. I can’t see that still getting played this year, though.
You’ll argue that An American Tail, Land Before Time, and Secrets of NIMH aren’t quality? Sure, he’s got Troll in Central Park, Pebble and the Penguin, Thumbelina...umm...I mean, he’s had good stuff! And Small One is on there.
Some attention should maybe be called to The Small One, an old animated short from when Don Bluth was at Disney that stars the donkey from the Nativity...er, I guess that’s kind of a spoiler, but it’s pretty obvious where the story is going. It’s an actually good interpretation of the iconic donkey that Joseph and…
I’m curious if your assessment of Misango will stand as people learn him. I feel like he’ll be similar to Min-Min, where getting that charge is important, but you first need to knock your opponent down for the time to activate it. I also want to see how good his masked powers are. Super armor is good, for example, but…
Look, I’m just gonna say it...Jedi Warriors. Bring the Dynasty Warriors formula to the Clone Wars.
For me, their eagerness to throw on season passes, dlc, and annualize the series is what’s kept me away...that and also not always having a console to play them on. But I’m not too willing to dive in whenever I know that one year’s time will bring what is, presumably, a better game. And then, by the time the next one…
‘nother comment...
Got two comments, but I’ll put them in separate posts since they’re on separate topics...
I feel like if a question on a test was “show me the 80's with one video”, it would be that.