
But are they emboldened by metal music? There wasn't an uptick in Nazi action after the release of Angel of Death. And besides, Norwegian Death Metal practitioners are just as bad.

Considering the fact that Metal will sing about worshiping Satan, I hardly find this out of character. Maybe since Nazis are real and Satan is pretend it makes a difference, however it is still the concept.

Don't worry, DMB will always be there for you!

Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.

Cranberry Sauce
And it is "I buried Paul" anyway.

How is your insufferably condescending comment that opinions can't be wrong any different? You are making the rules as you see fit. My opinion is wrong but not yours! Don't you see that?

I thought you said opinions can't be wrong?

My opinion is that an opinion can be wrong.

Nonsense. You can be wrong about music, and you can have a wrong opinion.

Wow, I didn't know anyone knew about Great Divide.  The have played a couple of Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St Paul area) shows in the not too distant past and relied heavily on GD.  That was a great album.  It would have been nice for some of the Trip Shakespeare stuff to get more acclaim because that is great too!