
The judge is actually the older lady seated at the high bench on the left, Helen Cull. The guy playing the music is one of the barristers.

I heard Tatiana Maslany also plays the bear.

Somebody should tell Harry that he should "Not!" do that anymore.

You didn't notice the integrated advertising? Sounds like it's working.

And Blonde Tina Fey for Hillary.

Adding some technical background here.

I'm late to the party, but adding to this - init level 1 is "single user mode" in Linux. That is, only one user (the administrative user "root") is allowed to log in to the system. You can't start daemons or networking in runlevel 1, either.

You know that thing about putting two spaces after a period?  It really does look a lot cleaner on the page!  Also, guess what?  Technically, I haven't actually done it in this comment.

That was a fantastic punchline. I give your review an A+.

Thanks for the review, and please add regular coverage!