
Lindsey is a hollowed out meat puppet whose petrified husk has had more hands shoved into it than a display model Power Glove.

Elon’s not gonna fuck you, dude

Angel on left shoulder: Don’t say it don’t say don’t say it

Can they also fix the con job that PSLF is? Pretty disheartening for it to be the equivalent of the willy wonka golden ticket giveaway in that its nearly impossible to qualify.

How about cancel all interest accumulated and make the interest rate 0% moving forward? The American public shouldn’t be guaranteed a return on investment from a subset of citizens in addition to the increased taxes (on average) that subset pays. Student loan borrowers pay back what they borrowed from the American

This is an EVGA issue and New World is not responsible in any way.

The idea that a game hitting 99% gpu usage is an issue is ridiculous. People pay huge amounts of money for these cards and hitting 99% means you’re getting what you paid for.

It was a little strange to start a new job but be sitting at the same desk at home. One of the things I missed was being able to say in person goodbyes to my former colleagues. I’m hoping to do an in-person happy hour with my old crew when people start going back into offices but that feels so far away right now.

It’s actually quite tiring the back and forth nonsense. It’s almost as if most physicians don’t understand the immune system at all. I’ve had to talk to most of them, I have to give lectures on immunology to all the pediatric residents and it’s clear how much is not understood.

Dear Diary,

She’s probably a cop’s wife.

“What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit.”

Day after day, black people are killed and there’s never any retaliation. George Zimmerman should’ve been put in the ground years ago and these guys should be found in a shallow grave by Christmas. That would be real justice.

KellyAnne is the painting, Kayleigh is Dorian Grey getting to live life out in the world.

It’s specifically a problem with the right. I’m sure there are plenty of instances of liberal and progressive politicians ignoring experts, but the right (at least in the United States) has specifically waged a culture war in which experts are the so-called “elite” and therefore the enemy.

Its doesn’t sit totally with me either but this isn’t just a case of being inept, its being deliberately different just to thumb his nose at the rest of the world and show how “Britain knows better”. By the time he and his cronies started moving at all there was a mass of work done and collated by WHO on what was

Soooo, yesterday he was going back into hospital supposedly only for further testing, um why? Just to make sure he really, really does have covid-19? But wait, now he’s on oxygen but its “not a ventilator”, uh huh. By that they mean he’s not intubated, yet.

New bidet who dis?

Honestly I really love that they seem to be prioritizing the people with the lowest income first.   I don’t think I would have thought of a payment schedule like this, but I’m all for it.

Shit, you right

All I did was make a list of the key points from the man’s plan. I think you’re angry at the wrong person.