Jake M. Gad

You read that backwards. Sajanas was implying that women treat men like timeshares. I disagree with that comment, but it's not totally inaccurate.

How 'bout "Have Spacesuit, Will travel." It's a juvenile (written for the boyscout magazine) and quite fun. It's one of his favorites of his.

The opposite. If men get grabby or violent, they're thrown out the airlock.

I would love to see Glory Road adapted, if only to see how modern society reacts to the second half.
I genuinely think there'd be less outcry over Heinlein's everything-after-1965 (fairly gender-equal; still racially progressive today) incest and polygamy obsession; than Road's "the queen of the universe was more

*************Minor book spoilers follow************

So, the show is trying to make Brienne important after proving Jaime has a soul?

They're considering filming book 4?  I had thought they cut book 3 in half so they could reduce book 4 to the 50 pages that aren't people walking in circles, or side characters reacting to hearing other are people walking in circles.