
The whole post was a goof. I think I saw Jagged Edge not too long after it came out, but I wouldn't pass a quiz on it, and I certainly couldn't give a fair appraisal of Loggia's performance. And I was trying to think of a way of defending Cocoon as Liberal, but I couldn't.

He should have won, dammit!! Those Hollywood pinkos had to pick the guy in that Liberal fantasy movie.

Is that the NFL coach whose name rhymes with a female body part?

No, except if you're tracking your son Danny in a maze.

Ted Danson and Kirsten Dunst's scene sure showed why they've both been very gainfully employed for a long time.

And now thanks to Aziz, there will be a lack of diversity among CBS late night guests.

The opening of "The Million Dollar Movie" on WOR-TV in New York freaked the bejeezus out of me as a kid.

Morley Safer isn't afraid to get nasty.

The Shining is at best tied for last place on the all-time list according to you, so I'm thinking Ghostbusters.

I'm still partial to the one that determined scientifically that dogs do in fact get jealous.

The Internet is really hurting the demand for naked women in mainstream movies.

Who is her invalid? Bill?

Never watched the show, but I liked the commercials.

I found it interesting that that team mostly won because it had 3 great hitters and 3 great starters (for that season at least), who I believe were never mentioned once in the entire film.

The CFL can afford an ad campaign? Wow.

If you're Kansas City last year or Toronto this year and haven't made the playoffs in decades, it is a big freakin deal.

I just feel that I should comment.

This thread has a familiar feel to it.

I thought Ted Danson acted much differently in the first episode compared to how he did afterwards. Sam Malone came off as more intelligent and just kind of coolly standing back and making observations ala Cary Grant (going old school).

I've seen it a few times but all I can think of now is sitting in the half-empty theater on the second night and feeling I shouldn't be there. The actual movie will always be insignificant.