Jake Bart

My pick would be Terrence Malick because even when I outright didn't like or enjoy TO THE WONDER, I still feel as if it's worth revisiting to ruminating over.

I was late to the HIMYM game, having binged on the first six seasons over the course of six or seven weeks a couple years ago. My reticence to get involved, despite the popular and critical praise, was simple: the high-concept gimmick animating the whole enterprise. When I finally caught up I found the show to

Haven't gone through all the comments, but I hope someone said the wedding in RACHEL GETTING MARRIED, which looked like one hell of a time, especially if you were a friendly guest, disconnected to all the familial stress and drama surrounding the wedding.

Do I love Disney's THE FOX AND THE HOUND enough to buy it on dvd? Probably not. But, is there a rare occasion where I feel like revisiting it? Certainly and I still own it on VHS. These sorts of scenarios mean I will hold on to my VCR until the ol' gal breaks down.

How 'bout they finally get around to making it available on PS3 to people who already subscribe?

"Another"? It's been, what, 14 years since his last really good film? I'll see it, but here's to hoping Russell shakes off the rut he's been in for his previous two features.