
The damning thing about evangelical Christianity is that pretty much all you have to do is acknowledge Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and you’re absolved of pretty much any wrongdoing, making it a prime target for grifters and all-around bad people in general. Hence, the Falwells.

I have a theory that this sort of thing has to happen. We’re afraid of what the future holds, so we momentarily try to go backwards. There is, of course, no going back. But I think the world needs to get one last good look at the failures of fascism before we can decide to make the leap. Not saying we make it. But

Mitch looks like he’s wearing the face of his father.

Love watching the Ingrahams and Hannitys and Shapiros of the world twist themselves into pretzels trying to reckon with Ocasio-Cortez. They’re soooooo afraid of her.

The right is soooooo afraid of Ocasio-Cortez. It’s great.

It’s not about America. It’s become a symbol for angry right wingers everywhere. A way to openly provoke liberals into a fight. That’s how these people get off. That’s what this whole thing is about. There’s no there there with these people. They’re just looking for the next high.

Expecting Wat Tyler and John Ball to make their appearance any day now.

Rarely is the question asked.......is our West Virginia people racist?

Want to know how to get all those Millennials back on your side? Three words: basic minimum income. That’ll change the tax discussion right quick.

It’s a disgrace what took place.

Looking forward to the next Run the Jewels track “Gunz Up (feat. Wayne LaPierre).”

“There is power, power, wonder-working power...”

Is there a bigger insult to humanity than the lottery? Especially in a time of massive income inequality. Like the powers that be deigning every so often to throw down some table scraps to the animals begging at their feet. 

Watch it again. And again. Seriously, the film completely gels on second and third viewings. Rian Johnson himself said it’s a movie made for multiple viewings, and he is very right about that.

This is wave of anti-Trump solidarity in sports is going to hit conservatives hard. Sports matter so much to them. Football especially. It’s basically how they view the world.

Having Trump and Bannon in power is like having your paranoid, Fox News-addicted, easily manipulated father as president, being advised by your uninvited, alcoholic, racist, conspiracy-theory loving uncle who sidles up to you every Thanksgiving to casually espouse his terrifyingly fascist ideas about how to “fix”

Dim bulbs to be sure. Unfortunately, you can get through life on relatively low wattage.

The reason nearly all Republicans support him is because they have to. This is their stand. Look at the demographics of the generations coming up. Their time is up, and they know it.

The fuck?