im glad :). most people think its unfashionable to like Israel.
im glad :). most people think its unfashionable to like Israel.
under which rock are you living? - Israel is not generally thought of in fond terms around the world - its known to be anything from illegitimate to practitioner of human rights crimes among other things
i hope they do.
espicially since uncle same financed and bank rolled the entire army and all its gear, which is now under ISIS's control
israel - i know most people arent to fond of the country but history is history - during the year leading up to and the 3 decades after formation (1498-80) all military or para military organziations including those that prefaced the shin bet, mossad and the modern day IDF all had women soldiers/operatives and not…
there fixed it for you :D
im assuming only corporate ones and not private?
where we're going, we don't need... waivers. #mexico
here is the best carrerraa gt engine noise youll ever hear,..starts at 1:30
bought a p1 on Monday - tracked it 36 hrs later.
Is there anything about the SRT viper in race spec you would change?
part 1 fun starts at 3:45 mark
TUCKA!!!! get to the TUCKA!!
For those who want real track cars, they of course would still be there. But why build an amazing track car with incredibly expensive parts and luxury interiors when they're never, ever going to be really used?
sanitation engineers - aka garbagemen - showering may be done at the start of shift but halfway through you stink regardless.
brake torqued 2x a automatic 1997 honda accord with a 4 banger, end result was a 4th gear with no teeth on it whatsoever, a set of bald tires and a really really beatup honda which lived long enough for me to drive it onto a dealership lot and trade it in for my new civic(at that time)