UDOT has now implemented HB83, raising the speed limit to 80 mph on an additional 289 miles of rural interstate, including I-80 from Nevada to mile marker 99, I-84 from Idaho to I-15, and additional sections of I-15.[167]
wow must be nice..id be shot for driving that fast up here.
also curious - is there a intercom to talk to your chauffuer? or you have to god forbid yell.
is there a solid glass sunroof? like the last one?
he needs to join Chris Harris and do reviews together - the catch -no scripts allowed whatsoever for anyone. Has to be done in 5 takes or less.
dont forget Home Depot has a unofficial policy of hiring people with development skills to be door greeters or to get carts
needs to have the word KINJA at the moment of impact.
my point exaclty in the fcebook ooppo group - this thing is very xj220 esque...me likey
you'd change your opinion if you knew or were related to the people that died.
this vs the ford f650 ....uber trucks
kanye ordered a pair for himself and his ego dont forget
its a slippery slope...which crimes do you keep people out for and which dont you. Canada has a pretty harsh attitude to DUI and moreso to someone who has already been charged/convicted of it already..I will pre judge you if you have a DUI even if i dont want to - its human nature.
dafuq is this guy??
youre right...my bad