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    I loved the episode. Especially Belle and Merida together. I think Emilie was the MVP of the ep.

    Clexa was so well done, so beautiful. I ship those girls hard. I knew from the gorilla episode that something would happen with them. They respect each other, admire each other, and have gotten super close since they always together now. They only have each other right now.

    It's not. Finn didn't do it to save anyone. Clarke and Lexa did it to save their people at MW AND win the war. Finn shot up a village knowing his friends werent there and he wasn't saving anyone.

    Disagree. Finn didn't do anything to save Clarke. He seacrhed the village and knew she wasn't there. He did that because he was angry. He didn't save anyone. Clarke and Lexa didn't do it just for 47, remember, there are Groudners trapped in there too. They ultimately did it to win the war, like Indra said. Also,

    Raven's lef was never amputaed! Maybe you should edit that lol.

    I'm so glad the wirters made Clarke bisexual.

    It's mostly Bellarkers saying Clexa is rushed, for obvious reasons. LOL.

    but Finn only died like a week ago. It's be SO unrealistic to be ready to be in another relationship that quick, even though I want Clexa to happen. Season 3 makes more sense.

    It's not just about saving their people at Mount Weather, it's also about defeating them. They'll always be in danger as long as most of the MW people are alive. Bellamy is the key to everything.

    I see it as Lexa and Clarke making the smartest choice to win the war and keep their inside man from getting caught. Clarke did fight Lexa on it and wanted to find the guy and redirest the missile, but it was too late.

    He's the inside man. Without him they can't do much.

    I thought Clarke would find that guy at the last minute too! I should have known better because I thought the same thing last season during the culling. I thought the Arkers would see the flares in time and not kill the 300.

    For an amazing episode of an amazing show? Yes.

    Clarke has so many layers. Such a great character. Eliza is killing it!

    How great are Lexa and Clarke together? They're my favs.

    This season is great. I didn't like how what Finn did was glossed over by everyone except Clarke. Clarke dealt with it right but disappointed that Raven just forgave him like it was nothing. It's not a battle scar and she compared it to overcoming her disabilty, Not the same at all. Raven was innocent and got shot.