
Leave it to the Lions to get murdered by the Jets, yet somehow beat the Patriots handily. I fully expect them to exhibit signs of competence going forward while narrowly missing the playoffs because they couldn’t beat the Jets in the season opener...

the Patriots, as currently constructed, are slow as shit.

I don’t know about you, but I ain’t doin’ shit even as we speak!

And half of the Kids in the Hall

That’s similar to my take: I’ve always said that they should have split TDK into two movies, with a Joker-dominated first movie, and then a Two Face-centric second installment released six months or a year after. End the first film basically with the Joker escaping and Rachel dying. I think the first half of TDK is

I’m willing to go ahead and place someone who threatens to “shoot the place up” over a couple of fucking energy drinks into the “not fit for society/murderer-in-the-making” category.

Hmm a murderer with no accompanying photo or descriptor of an ethnic minority...

I watched the local news this morning, only one station showed the guy they arrested. Shocker, he's white. The local Sinclair Broadcasting station only had it on for a minute at most, I suppose it doesn't fit their narrative. It's all backwards to them, the victim was a person of color and the perpetrator was a white

You had to kneel for way too long for the tornado to show up though, I mean it was like 10 seconds. I don’t think I would have known to do that without reading about it somewhere.  Other than that, I thought it was a pretty good game.

My brain refuses to comprehend the repeated sleights against Castlevania 2. Simon’s Quest has its issues, no argument,  but it was great and innovative for its time and I remember with fondness the hours I sunk into puzzling it out. 

This is the price you pay if you chose not to watch television live.

Last season cemented Kimmy (Kim + Jimmy . . . I’m gonna’ go ahead and coin that name right now) as the most supportive and optimistic in the BB Universe.  It’s going to be rough. 

Howard isn’t perfect, but at his core he’s a good man. To even tell Jimmy and Kim that he thought he was responsible for Chuck’s possible suicide, takes a lot of courage. Then Jimmy just casually tells him it’s his cross to bear. Cold-bloodied.

I was there in the courtroom to testify that their father was a hopeless and abusive drug addict and that her parents should be given custody. After I tried my best to get him cleaned up and in a state where he could do the fucking job he chose when he got someone pregnant. And failed because dope can be stronger than

...he’s... he’s David Sedaris

His crowd is probably different. I imagine monocles are involved

I will do shit for money. But I’m not gonna do shit for no money. I’ll do quality for no money.

The outrage is he is eating a chicken tender. A fucking chicken tender! What savage eats a chicken tender at Popeyes? It is the spicy dark meat!

In the fantasy land that the ammosexuals live in, this is all the proof they need that they can defeat an entire army with their own personal arsenal: