If you’re partying without drugs, you can count me out.
1. Sea Change
i believe he is laughing at this as we speak....
Don’t forget; it’s original spawn was Greg Kinnear
in terms of social settings, if you tend to be introverted, coke can be a nice way to get the talking going.
sorry to hear cookie.
pot is still considered a drug?
Your observations and descriptions were on point. Made me feel as if I watched the episode myself. Well done.
genius. A+ (4 years later)
4 years later; it’s an A
they didn’t read the fine print?
recommended based on name alone
you mean you’re not, NOT right?
but a succinct and thoughtful nonetheless. And I agree. so there’s that.
DVR baby.
whatevs. B+ to both you and the episode. Anyone else tiring of this “State 2" claptrap? fug; bring back the fightclub/transpotting hackadramedy
No way. They were a bad gal/guy duo in “Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil” as well.
just not his type?