
The teleprompter guy seemed distracted. Wonder why…

Corso the dumb hillbilly, is easily the worst of all the companions. I never got a tauntaun mount for my smuggler 'cos I was too afraid I'd catch Corso trying to have sex with it.

I'll skip the movie, but will be there for Noel's DVD commentary on it.

I saw them a total of 3 times (I think). Once touring for Gish & the other 2 for Siamese Dream, including their Lollapalooza headline slot & only one of those gigs I could honestly say was a decent show & I came to the conclusion that they were horribly inconsistent live. Too sloppy & I always got the impression that

"But that's OK, 'cos we're all sorted out for seas & wizz!"

Jazzmasters have a reputation for getting knocked out of tune when you use the tremolo but I've never really had that problem on mine. I play like shit tho'.

Nah, ICP's exhibit is in the Detroit Museum of Science. Next to some magnets I think.

Hugh Grant's solicitation arrest, which led to his appearance on The Tonight Show, which led to Jay Leno's ascension as the "King of Late Night".

"Having me read The Art of War is the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse."

I'm sure the Joffrey "miss me yet?" memes already exist.

"What is this 'con-senz-u-all sex' you speak of?" -Everyone in Westeros

The following sentence is everything you need to know about Littlefinger: He's willing to risk everything to get what he wants, and what he wants is everything.

*Tosses his original Pablo Picardo in the rubbish bin*

"Exaggerated Cockney, activate!"

In honor of Dakota Johnson, I clicked the mute button for Maroon 5 with my tongue

Beat you

"I. Won. Oscar! Dum-de-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum!"

That wasn't applause. That was the sound of Hollywood fapping at it's own praise.

The one I use the most in real life is paraphrasing Barney's quote in "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment" anytime I'm shelling out too much money for something: