
Hard to say which sign I liked best but "Sausage in yo but $1" was pretty sublime

You gotta throw "The Amendment Song" from The Day the Violence Died in the mix too.

Happy Trails, Pardner!

Before hearing her music I just assumed Iggy Azalea was like the Pat Boone of female rappers. When I heard one of her songs I decided she was more like the Vanilla Ice of female rappers. After reading her Twitter comments I realize how very wrong I was on both counts. She's like the Bill O'Reilly of female rappers.

The shot of Quill's ship blasting off into space to the opening chords of "Go All the Way", while not quite a "scene" per se, makes me the giddiest. For a moment it feels like I'm watching a live action version of Heavy Metal.

Fair enough, but nobody's bugging Macca about why he isn't getting The Beatles back together anymore