

Wrong, Hughes has spoken out against Trump, less than a year ago in an LA Weekly profile. He is a Republican, but he doesn't support Trump.


I read "Cycle of the Werewolf" for the first time when I was 8 and I have been a Wrightson fan ever since. Those images will be etched into my brain forever.

Not one mention of Cimino's incredible "Year of the Dragon"? For shame. It even makes for an excellent double feature with "To Live and Die in L.A."

Same here and I can't believe how many people don't get that. It is the most dipshit thing when people think THAT is Spielberg giving it a happy ending.

I may be opening myself up to massive levels of scorn by saying this, but… No A.I.: Artifical Intelligence? GTFO!!!

Mel Brooks also made Wilder fight to keep the whole Puttin on the Ritz scene in Young Frankenstein and thank goodness Wilder fought that good fight.

Nah, I would just wake up and to get the day started I would hit play on the CD player and skip to track 4. Maybe I should have rephrased my initial admission. : )

There were a couple years after its release where I woke up to the title track from "Good Morning Aztlan" every day.

I'll have you know I never even went to university, so what you're really dealing with is a high-school educated, simpleton, film geek. I watch movies, I read about movies, I write about movies and I talk about movies. No piece of paper to back up my bullshit. And even I know that there are no such things as simple

No, in this instance it means trite, thoughtless and lacking in substance. De Palma is an avid practicioner in the kind of craft Hitchcock first brought to cinema, but has managed to bring his own personal, political and aesthetic stamp to the form. This argument is as sophomoric as the old Tarantino is a ripoff

Oh, great. Another reductive opinion shared on the AV Club.

And yet if you watch the video that is not what he does at all. The video opens with De Palma's director's credits in chronological as they appear on-screen in their respective films and then it goes into a wonderfully assembled look at his craft, motifs, etc.

There is a mini-sequel of sorts to the original Time Machine at the end of the 1993 documentary Time Machine: The Journey Back. In it, Alan Young and Rod Taylor reprise their parts 30+ years later. It is simple, moving and effective, mainly due to the warm, wonderful performance Young gives. If you haven't seen it

People ought to also recognize Charles Cypher, a Carpenter regular who appeared in Halloween 1 and 2, The Fog, Escape from NY.

"Of all of Bruce Springsteen’s songs, “Stolen Car” is the saddest"

Firebird was one of those early LP purchases when I was digging into early electronic music at like 12 or 13 years old. Love that record. Plus his version of Clair de Lune is just perfect.

I do a monthly horror trivia night and recently they set up a 90s themed evening. There was the usual grousing you'd expect from a bunch of motherfuckers who can't see past the 70s and 80s, but I knew once we got into the night it was gonna be a blast. In order to get ready for the night I put together a list of 90s

Totally. I still can't believe it when I run into some horror fan who hasn't seen it yet. Great handle BTW.