
Favorite by far, if only because I'm pretty sure that in the end, this shall be my story as well (give or take, I'm a 26 year old virgin currently).

Virgin™. But very excited to read this nonetheless.

As a microbiologist, siding with Hasan here. Removing transgenic animals (Or any transgenic organism for that matter) from controlled laboratory environments is pants-on-head stupid, and the risk of an unexpected mutation or of the rabbit breeding with a wild rabbit and introducing the transgenes into the pool of the

Small? And it was not a reduction of the increase; it was a reduction of the total.

Don't be a moron. These rabbits wouldn't be allowed outside of the lab due to very stringent regulation by the government. It would be unethical in the extreme for him to donate these animals to any outside sources.

You mean finally tame and defeat human gullibility?

Snooze. Wake me up when Gina Torres is cast as Wonder Woman.

Now playing

dang I was 1 off. I did so well with the cards too.

That wasn't out when I TA'd, but we used other pop culture. Thurtle's big on that (and so am I - I taught a class on applied ethics and Stargate, and have given lectures on why we watch reality TV, using Lacan's notion of the object petit a... because of course).

One of my favourite classes I TA'd for was all about Merleau-Ponty and the chiasm and liminal spaces. We took undergrad freshmen with no biology knowledge into the lab and taught them the basics of things like culturing osteoblasts and sequencing DNA and the like, while drowning them in MP and then saying "okay, have

". . .she recognized that what the creationist movement had in its favor was persuasive and personable spokespeople who, like good preachers, had a way of really connecting with audiences using humor and warmth."

I know you don't care (and that's fine), but the confusion I think you and chesirecat are having—and you don't have to read this; I just think it's a useful clarification for others—is that philosophy does not have an 'object' of study in the way that other disciplines do; it's a form of inquiry—usually a critique of

You know what pisses me off the most? Nobody has been discussing the awful representations of bears in her performance. Because those costumes and props were an absolute travesty.

Billy Ray Cyrus has a lot to answer for.

Gee, I can't believe I chose "Breaking Bad" over this.

For me the best is that I don't even have to wear pants! My single lady apartment is a pants free zone! Amiright?

Morgan Murphy, I will not lie to you. When I am at home on a Friday night with an open bottle of wine, some Thai food, and Netflix, knowing I can get drunk by myself and sleep in the next day, then get up, go for run, do some shopping, see a movie, basically whatever the fuck I want, I am most definitely saying

Doctor Who and Atlantis are the only two shows on that list that jumped out at me. What happened to a classic space opera? I miss that.

I doubt there are a lot of high schoolers that make meth.

Anna, I say this in the interest of all women and in defense of the scientific establishment: you are a stupid person and broadcasting your scientific illiteracy like this is dangerous to public health. Other posters who are far more patient than I have already explained the various ways you have ignored evidence and