
I'd like to visit the world you live in someday. It sounds like a fun place.

Logical flaw.

No No No. Spiderman was much cheaper. Only cost one Uncle. The loss of his parents was irrelevant.

I can absolutely say that. Its impossible that the sounds reproduction could equal the multiple of cost increase from a cheap set to these. At a minimum of 100x better? I think now.

Sorry, no set of headphones is worth $1000+ dollars. Maybe if it had a cooling system so my head didn't sweat while wearing them....and made me a sandwich at the same time. No, still not worth $1000.

Currently I have my HTC Thunderbolt with unlimited data, also toting a Samsung Stratosphere, Kindle Fire for entertainment, iPad 1 wifi for mobile typing and whatnot, chargers and extra batteries, and bluetooth headset. Of course, I keep most of this in a messenger bag that moves from my car to office to house. Each

It's never lupus!

Dr Freud might say otherwise, but feel free to argue the point endlessly.

It doesn't matter what you have now, it matters what you are planning to buy in the lifetime of the device. Futureproofing. I'd hate to the the 3-5 year old tech in your house.

Brand new router...without the latest ac? Best ever? Apple flavored crack anyone?


I'm thinking Nexus Tab. The Surface is just too expensive for untested tech. The Kindle 1 was a great deal, but 2 is just blah next to the Nexus.

If you've ever read Von Clausewitz, you would know that he believed war was self serving. It was a common theme in his writings.

Because Clausewitz is recognized as one of the foremost war philosophers and military theorists.....and an all around smart guy on the subject. And that the true enemy of war, is war itself.

"I shall proceed from the simple to the complex. But in war more than in any other subject we must begin by looking at the nature of the whole; for here more than elsewhere the part and the whole must always be thought of together." KVC

Of course, then you have the Autobots vs Decepticons....someone or something always gets vilified.

Hey, wake up...its already here.

Aren't landmines already illegal? at least anti personnel mines are, I believe.

I want to give this computer system a name....what should it be?