
By extension this is going to apply to drones.....its the same argument that cruise missiles got...once you launch the weapon it has the ability to do awful things. Anyone ever consider that this is what they are supposed to do? Awful things!

And in its introduction it malfunctioned and killed someone..... good example.

I'd like to see the math on that.

Have you met any post-zombie-apocalyptic children? Time to wise-the-f-up Carl. I'd have already shot the kid myself.

Yes, but you weren't a kid that had seen countless people turned into flesh eating zombies. Experiences like that should change the mentality of a child. In fact, I would think that he would become the most badass of them all being that it would be his whole world, not knowing much of anything else.

Programming? LOL. I can even work on a simple spreadsheet in my iPad. As far as business use, I don't do anything more than read pdf's, type notes, write emails and check my calendar. In fact, my company investigated using ipads as a way to view portable documents. Its fantastic for viewing blueprints in pdf but gets

I agree with standalone keyboards being a disconnect too. I think its a failure in philosophy.

Enterprise usage and deployment, keyboards are king. I know many people who absolutely insist on having a phone with a slider keyboard. However, I'm not one of them.

Yeah, and Apple created a culture based on word of mouth grassroots....lol

Don't feel bad. I don't have one either. Nor want one.

Unfortunately, the Upleva console is little more than the $199 Hemnes

Ignoring your math error, and assuming the ship is already in motion (because the thrust of the engine vs the weight of the ship with friction of water would dissipate any energy from the engine), I think you would have to assume that the ship is already at full speed to see any effects from the jet engine. Also,

One jet engine wouldn't provide enough thrust to break inertia on an aircraft carrier. So, you are wrong. All of the energy of the engine would be dissipated in the resistance or drag of the water.

If my math is right, the increase in speed would be .0001%

VOTE: Holo

Retinal scans? DNA based encryption? Voice verification?

Up until recently, I was buying a new phone every six months. The technology was changing that fast. My only pause at the moment is that I am waiting to see what the padphone 2 will look like with LTE.

"Works just fine" may be good enough for you, but most of us "tech" people want to stay a little more current.

Android has software fragmentation because of vast hardware selection. Apple has lagging hardware tech due to a once a year release schedule. Pick your poison.

Then you have missed the point of this progression. The trend is towards your smartphone being the hub of all your digital dealings. No more laptop. No more tablet. See the Asus Padphone. Well ahead of its time, but definitely where the future is going.