
See Aliens 3 where a dog was used as a host and the alien took on some of the physical characteristics of the dog. I would imagine any warm body could incubate these creatures.

"Facebook is great for sharing the most special of life's moments. Like pictures of a cake, funny links, or your need for an able body to help you move a sofa." #Ilikecake

I'm sure some idiot out there will call Tmob and try to get that number. There is one in every bunch.

If? So, its not standard practice?

@Brent, so in cases like this where an item from a usually reliable company is tested, is a second unit requested? How does that work?

Ok, well if not that, you can use voice actions. Just say "Navigate home". It should take you right to the nav app and map your course. It works for "work" too and any address you can specifically name.

Google maps on android does in the form of a widget. A stop light with always updating "distance from home". In fact, you can set the widget to any location and run multiple widgets all over your home screen.

Interesting post, but I would like to see more companies listed. In particular more ISP's and media companies.

Gmail: filters and labels. Don't even need to think about the emails that I want to save but don't need to look at. With retailers going the way of e-recipets ie Macy's Gap Apple...its perfect. Never lose one again. My inbox is almost always empty, even though 50 or so emails come in every day.

Toastr, cause it pops up. I get it.

Injustice, in whatever form it takes, deserves to be pointed out. Your apathy is astounding.

Obviosuly you don't pay property tax or have ever bought a car.....or maybe you are just grossly misinformed. You pick.

Apparently you don't care where your tax dollars go...

of course I read your whiny rant and replied accordingly.

Would have been so much more effective if your link worked. Still funny though.

How about, instead of LED screens, put an off balanced logo on a gyroscope that self corrects for gravity. Maybe $5 total?

adapt or be left behind. the choice is yours.

Music just isn't that important to me and most of it seems so disposable these days anyways. I have a hard drive with some music on it but I couldn't say when the last time was that I listened to any of it. I stream mostly from Amazon, Pandora and Grooveshark. Generally though, the radio suffices.

What I meant by proximity was related to the NFC technology. You have to be close to use it.

Imagine you are reading Gizmodo from the comfort of your home and a crash and thud...a missile sitting in your living room....What would you do? Go!