
Bear drinking alone, no, but in conjunction with all the other attributes, yes. Without a doubt.

In Florida, PBR is the choice drink of the Bros.

Sam, I know a Brogrammer. Fits your description to a T. Former frat house guy, obnoxious, beer drinker, think he God's gift to women (and some men), works at a tech startup building some kind of databasing thing, popped collars, calls everyone bro. I want to punch his smug face every time I see it.

In may case, I have a joint between my car fob (keyless) and the rest of my keys (9 in total). I've resulted to not carrying my keys with me in favor of using my garage door opener because they are too bulky.

Brings up a interesting thought, why can't you make your car key work on your house? Instead of 5 keys, have one key for everything.

This was a great article and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. You made some very valid points and brought out some great information that I was not previously aware of.

I'd like it, but only if it syncs together with all my other chrome browsers. Otherwise, what's the point?

I hope you never try to debate anyone, on any topic.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Also, no gigantic dinosaur of a programs to download and take up resources. I'm looking at you iTunes.

I agree with you that customization is one of the best parts about android, but basing your argument on ADW EX and then not explaining what it is or how it works won't convince anyone.

So you switched from bad service to a company that is notorious for bad service? Smart move.

Just an fyi...I'm and avid android user, but I have to ask why? Given all the devices that you have on iOS, why switch? Honestly, for me, the synergy of products or ecosystem is the most important factor. I'm not sure if you had considered that.

...and now thanks to Giz...all the terrorists will have doctors notes too. #SMH

At about :33 he shows the back of the ipod and it has four small round objects. I'm guessing he glued some magnets to the ipod too.

"orbital bombardment" you say? I'm not sure the state of Delaware would approve.

I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't win the argument of putting one person at risk to save another as a device of rescue. Besides, you are misinterpreting the section. That section deals with personal arresting devices, meaning that someone can either through a mechanism of their own control stop a fall or someone else

Upon reading several other news articles on this story, I will agree that both the owner and contractor will get numerous fines. However, it was stupidity that resulted in this accident. Walking on a corroded metal roof is just stupid and you are asking for what you get. Looking at pictures of this roof, it didn't

What OSHA standard are you saying that they violated? Walking on a roof is not a violation in an of itself. Depending on the pitch and composition of the roof, it could be.

Isn't that cheating? "I'm not on the internet, but my assistant is...."